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Zach POV
I saw Valerie by her house. I ran as fast as I could to catch her. She saw me but instantly turned around and started walking faster. I finally got to her. The first thing she said to me was...
"Remember when we pinky promised we wouldn't do stuff like what you just did behind our backs ? You just broke the promise.."

She left me speechless. She was about to go inside her house but I grabbed her by the waist, turned her so she could be facing me, then kissed her. She instantly kissed me back.

Yas me and Valerie are in good terms now. I love her to much to let her go.

I was currently with my girlfriend talking about stuff.

"Babe, I gotta tell you something" she said, serious.

"What?" I asked confused.

"DeezNuts,I'm just kidding well I think I'm moving to Dallas" she said, I got sad real quick, real fkn quick.

"B-ut......" Was all I could say.

"But I can go live with my aunt who lives 30 minutes away if I don't want to go with my parents" she said, smiling I quickly smiled.

I don't want her to leave me, I want her to be with me forever, and ever .


Well she was staying. That's good.

Should I just stop the story here ? If y'all want it to keep on going comment ideas😌

I love him ♡ z,cWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt