Robin's Shinigami

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Robin's POV

So as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted by a certain author, (well sorry), Kensou is my Shinigami sent by Beyond to me when I was little. He was one of the few (so few in fact, that I doubt that there is another person out there like him) children born with a Shinigami, and therefore he was also born with Shinigami eyes too. Having the eyes, no note, and barely any concern for himself, B found it fairly useless to have a Shinigami. So he sent Kensou to look after his darling little sister, me! Kensou has a book of his own and occasionally goes off to write names just to keep him going and not to die so he poked me with the Death Note after BB carefully explained what I was about to see. This was before we went into Wammy's House. As I was younger than him I joined later after a few children had come to the orphanage. B had already left by the time I'd arrived. I never saw him again after he left home. I don't know where he is now.

Nobody knows the real me. Just know me as the girl that hangs with Lust or '4th'. But when I'm not with Lust and she isn't there to judge me, I become a bookworm. But I'll be honest and say most of the books I read are murder mysteries, but they're interesting!

Back to the Shinigami stuff, what was I saying? Oh, yeah, Kensou wouldn't shut up about Guess. Of course, he wouldn't tell me her real name, but nor do I care. He kept saying she was quite incredible as she subconsciously knew when Matt would die, and at the last minute, she'd remember and gain the power to

Change the future.

That was his theory anyway. Kensou is obviously no ordinary Shinigami as you can tell, he can know about stuff that others don't know that they know. But what Kensou was saying was even more interesting was the fact he saw a different date above Matt's head than what Guess subconsciously knew. That meant that someone significant to them whom could impact their lives would die by a Death Note. Not their designated date of death. I wonder who it would be... Maybe Near... Mello? I can't think of anyone otherwise. I guess I'll find out, Kensou said I had long to go yet. I hope it isn't Mello though. I think he's cute, but I won't act on that thought. Especially as I know that Mello likes Guess. Hey, I may have had my head buried in a book all the time on the journey but I was listening to what Mello and Guess were saying too! It's one of the reasons I'm good at Wammy's House. The ability to concentrate on 2 methods of literacy at once. For example, I can read and listen to a conversation at the same time! Multitasking!

I wonder how everyone I know will die. And I wonder why I want to watch... Probably my brother's instincts kicking in again! Kya ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Matt's POV

"Mello?" I asked once I knew we were alone.

"Yeah?" he answered from the toilet as he got changed.

"So... Er, you like Guess then?" I stuttered, I was kind of nervous to ask my friend this question, and nervous to find out the answers to come. Not from him, but from me.

"Wait, you heard?!" He cried, he burst out from the toilets with only his PJ bottoms on, chest completely bare, holding his top in his chocolate bare hand. His expression was worried. More worry in an expression of his was unimaginable. His eyes were wide and mouth slightly open.

"Uh, yeah, I heard Guess scream through my earphones and I couldn't help but listen. Sorry." I had my striped pyjama shorts already on but not my top. I removed my black and red striped top over my head and replaced it with my black and white striped pyjama shirt. I looked like a prisoner which was kinda ironic really as the person I was supposed to be aiming to be caught criminals and put them in prison.

"...Sorry for kissing her..."

"WHAT?!" Thank god I had nothing in my hand at that moment because I would now be on the floor.

"Hah, that proved my theory, you like her and I'm 100% sure of that." I could feel my cheeks burning up but I tried to act angry for some reason, rather than embarrassed. "I thought you knew I did anyway, that's why she screamed." I was lost for words so I just kept quiet and let him carry on. Never in my weirdest dreams would I imagine Mello would like Guess. "I suppose you heard everything from there."

"Y-yeah it doesn't matter now- no, it never did. I just heard you reckoned she liked me..."

"She does, Matt! Open your eyes! Her silence after I mentioned it proved it all!"


" Admit it and you'll feel less confused!"

"Admit what?" Mello just sighed a very irritated sigh and put his shirt on and continued talking.

"That you like h- you know what, enough with like, you are defiantly crushing," he put an arm around my shoulder and sat down on my bed. "I feel bad enough kissing her, your turn. Maybe once you two get together I'll stop liking out of joy for my best friend's first girlfriend."

"Do I still have to admit it?"


"Okay... I... I li- no. I know better than that... I love her... I love Guess."


Ok! Alright, alright, alright! Things are going along well! Matt has confessed to himself and that's always the first step in asking someone out! I suppose so anyways. Still forever alone... >.< so I'm still on this boat trip and its day 2 I'm gonna write one chapter everyday to keep my occupied so you still have 2-3 more to go! And let me know what you think about Robin! I'm quite interested to see what you think. Do you trust her? Do you think she could be important to everyone one day? Type it in the comments! Obviously, no comments cus the previous chapter hasn't been posted yet by the time I'm writing this so see you guys in the next one! :3


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