Birthday Or Leaver's Party?

194 10 11

19th September
Guess's POV

I woke up early today, want to know why? IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! I got ready quickly and soon after I did there was tapping on my door. I hopped over and opened it to see Matt. He had his hands behind his back and a grin on his face.

"I seem to recall this being an important date somehow.... I wonder why?"

"I have no idea why you'd think that; today is just any day isn't it?" I replied playing along with it. I moved to the side and let him in then closed the door. He put something I couldn't quite see on my bed and turned to me.

"Happy birthday, Guess!" He walked towards me and hugged me tight and I wrapped my arms around him back.

"Thanks, Matt," I said just before he put his lips on mine. Once our lips parted, he passed me what he'd put on my bed before. It was a small package with a little note attached, I flipped over the note and read it.

"Happy birthday, Guess. Thanks for being my gaming buddy! Love, Matt."

I looked up at him and gave him a small lock-sided smile.

"What is it?" I asked as I sat on my bed, Matt sat beside me.

"Open it and find out!" I pulled the wrapping paper and found a rectangular box. Opening the box, I found some orange lensed goggles just like Matt's but with black frames.

"Where did you find these?! They're awesome!" I lifted them out of the box and examined them.

"Remember in Japan? They were there in that shop, I'd never seen goggles like mine sold around so I had to get them."

I adjusted the straps slightly and pulled the goggles over my head and let them hang around my neck.

"Thank you! I love them, I'm never going to take them off." With that, I put the wrapping to one side and lifted my legs onto the bed. I knelt beside him making me higher than him. He looked up at me and I put my fingers through his hair. Landing my lips on his, I hear my door open.

"Hey, Matt, it's her birthday, learn to share!" Robin walked in followed by Mello.

"I suppose I'll try to," I laughed at his response and he kissed me on the cheek once I'd sat normally on the bed again.

"Happy birthday, Guess," Robin said as she handed me a little square box. "I know it's not your thing but I wanted to give you something to remember me by." In the box, there was a metal bracelet with the words 'PLAYER 1' carved into it.

"That's really cool!" I put the metal band on and Robin moved her sleeve up to reveal another band which was identical to mine apart from it said 'PLAYER 2' on it.

"I'm going to treasure it forever," I said. Robin smiled and nodded.

"So will I."

"It feels like a leaving party, jeez!" I cried.

"You know what we're missing?" Mello began to speak. "Cake."

"Yup!" Matt got up to head down to the kitchen.

"But first!" Mello said slowing Matt down and sitting him down again. "This."  Mello pointed at my laptop in the corner of my room. "I got Matt to download something onto your computer last night."

"What? Really! When did you go all sneaky-beaky like?"

"When you were asleep, luckily for me you never lock your door!"

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