Side Note -The Future-

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Firstly, I'd like to thank you all for the amazing support on this book! Those of you that have been here from the very beginning, those of you who have just joined the Guessers, and my friends who helped me along the way in real life. I couldn't express how much it means to me!

But anyway, on to the side note's subject; I'd like to know if you guys want to have a time skip of sorts, and from now on I'll cover only the important story line from death note. No more "side quests" so to speak. Like Lust ect.

Or, we have some side quests and will still have the death note storyline continuing either way.

I'm basically asking if you guys want more content or not. The side quests will extend the story to a certain extent is all. I just feel this story has had a lot of climaxes and it's time to round off, but I wanted to get your opinions first. I'm happy to do either one, I've hatched some ideas... Maybe I'll start a new book for one shots as I have ideas for side quests already. Would you like to see that? So please comment below what you think:

A) Let's round off this story and get to the Death Note plot.
B) Let's have some of the extra content in this fanfic, more adventures for Matt and Guess, and more people to meet.
C) Let's get to the main plot but start a book on one shots once Death Note is finished.

In the re-write, I will be solely focusing on the death note storyline, so side quests will be completely gone then, but that's nothing to worry about.

I'll leave this up for a week or less depending on feedback, by no means feel pressured to pick one of the options, pick what you would like, (be selfish once in a while!) if you don't mind, you don't need to comment, and if you don't want to post what you'd like as a comment, feel free to PM me! Although I don't see why but you know, the option is available! xD Guessers will be announced next chapter, so see you in the next one!


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