Make Me Feel Alive

189 7 12

2nd October
Guess's POV

That's it. No more. I can't take it. I'm not going to let this change my life and go back to the way I was before. What is it that changed me then when I first joined this orphanage? ....


I peeled myself from the bed and shook my head violently.

"Get up." I heard a voice in my head, telling me to pull myself out of the hole I'd dug myself into.

"Get up." I walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. It was about 6:00am and I looked like I never slept a wink. I washed my face and brushed my teeth, and decided to take a shower. As it was Saturday hardly anyone was awake and if they were, they were in their room. I let the water run down my face, just thinking.

"Get out." The voice repeated.

"Get out." I used my strength to open my eyes and I turned off the running water, I'd already washed my hair so I may as well obey the voice. I wrapped myself in a towel and dried my hair with another.

Eventually, I was dressed, hair still a little damp. It was 6:30ish now. That was quick.

"Get him." This time, the voice spoke, it paused before the second word. I knew exactly who it meant by 'him'. I knew Matt wouldn't be awake by now, so I pulled out my sketch pad and ripped out a page. On it, I wrote;


Meet me in my room, I need to speak to you.


I kept it simple to make him curious and maybe he'd come sooner. After folding up the note, I left my room and pushed it under his door. With that; I sat on the end of my bed, pieced together my thoughts, what I was going to say, and waited.

Matt's POV

I woke in the morning and got up to check my clock, it was 7:00 and usually I'd fall asleep again at this time, but something caught my eye as I sat up. I looked to my door and saw a little piece of paper sticking out from underneath it. I rubbed my eyes and walked towards it to get a closer look. The paper seemed to have been ripped out of Guess's sketch pad. There was writing on it and so I read it in my head;


Meet me in my room, I need to speak to you.


It looked like her handwriting, and this was odd of her to do. I wondered what she wanted to talk about and so curiosity overcame my sleepiness. I got dressed and brushed my teeth, etc and knocked on Guess's door.

"Is it you?" She asked from the other side of the door.

"I think so." I heard her laugh and so I came in. She was sat at the end of her bed and she gave me a small, sweet smile; this time, it felt real unlike ever since Robin left. She tapped the space next to her, indicating me to sit beside her.

"What did you want to talk about?" I said as I closed the door behind me and approached her. She seemed to gather courage before she spoke.

"I've had enough of being dead again, before joining Wammy's, I was dead. Then... This is going to sound cheesy as hell but, you brought me back to life... And I need you to that again, whatever it was that made me fall in love with you, please, do it again..." She looked into my eyes as she said this. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks.

"Guess, I-" Before I could finish, she had pushed me back on her bed and was towering over me, her hands either side of my head, parallel to her knees. She looked deep into my eyes and swallowed down her nervousness. After lowering herself down, she kissed my lips lightly and pulled away.

"Make me feel alive again." She seemed to smirk at the shock on my face when I came to a realisation.

"Wait, you don't mean... like..." looking confused for a moment, she gradually came to terms with what I meant. The heat rose to her cheeks quickly and she looked away from me as her lips split apart, she looked to be having a mini flashback of the last couple of things she said and seemed incredibly embarrassed, yet still smiling. More heat came to my cheeks when she obviously didn't mean what I'd said and I was the one who brought it up. "Sorry, uh-"

"No, it's fine, now that I think back to it... It does kinda sound like that..." To make her feel more comfortable, I pushed myself up and kissed her on her cheek. She turned to me and our faces were just inches apart. We stayed like that for a while in silence, not an awkward silence, we were just lost in each other's eyes, I suppose. Passion clouded my vision as it did hers, I pushed myself up her bed slowly as our lips stayed attached. I moved my hands to her waist and pulled her closer to me, using just her core and elbows to keep her elevated, she rustled her fingers through my hair. I flipped her over, making me on top now, one of her legs in between mine. I moved my hands up her sides going to just beneath her arms, she seemed to flinch slightly when I did which made me smile in the kiss. We both came up for air and smiled, that was the smile I'd been missing this whole time.

"I remember why I fell in love with you now..." She said.


"Because you're you!" She told me giggling. Tugging at my hair, she pulled me closed to her face until our lips met again. Guess moved her leg up slightly and-

"S-shit," I said, pulling away from her. Before I spoke I took a sharp breath in.

Guess's POV

"S-shit," Matt pulled away and avoided my gaze when he did.

"What's up-" I stopped myself when I looked down. I felt my eyes widen and suddenly got a huge grin on my face so I covered my mouth and looked away and started laughing. "Sorry!" I continued to laugh, and with my reaction, Matt began to laugh as well. I moved my leg down until a hand stopped me.

"You're fine exactly where you are!" I snapped my head back at him and looked at him with still wide eyes. He held my leg there with a hand just under my thigh and crashed onto my lips again, I was still laughing slightly even while he kissed me.


I spent like 3 hours after writing this laughing, it felt kinda awkward to do but it was funny so I thought why not right xD

Commenters (still need to come up with that catchy name) today and for last chapter are!:


Thanks to all, sorry if I missed anyone, all got a little confusing after missing a chapter :P If you guys come up with a catchy name for this thing then let me know, I'd like to have you guys' input. Anyway, see you in the next one!


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