She's Back

236 12 8

July 3rd, 2004

I've seen them too often... Together... Him, taking gentle hold of her hand, a smile perfecting his face. I need to find a way to tear them apart. Permanently this time. She will regret getting on my bad side. I guarantee it. 

Guess's POV

What time is it?... 11?! Shit, I barely have time to get ready for bed! I thought after a Hearthstone run. I shut down my laptop and turned to leave my room and brush my teeth when I saw Matt lying on my bed. Damn, I was absorbed in that... Wait... Is he asleep? Yes. Yes, he was. Well then. Getting changed and going to sleep will be difficult. I'll just go brush my teeth and see if he's awake by then.

He wasn't. Thankfully he was on one side of the bed and I had a double bed because... Reasons? Sure. But how to get changed. I took off my hoodie and rested it on the back of my chair. My shoes were already off so I took off my socks but now what...  I grabbed my PJs from my draw which Watari had supplied me with when I arrived. Completely black of course: baggy cotton trousers and a long sleeved cotton top, like the one I wore daily.

I stood for a moment just thinking of the best way to approach this. I grabbed my PJs and sat on the floor at the foot of the bed. This should work. I quickly changed into my PJs and hung up my jeans. Excuse for tomorrow... I got changed in the toilet. Sure. Don't ask why I didn't just wake him up... I like his company and I know I could've slept in my clothes but tomorrow I had a free first period so when I wore my PJs I slept for longer and I could sleep in. I locked my room door and switched the light off. The light of the moon came through the window so I could still see and I made my way around to the bed. It was hot out so I didn't get under the covers. I lay next to Matt and pulled his goggles off his eyes and put them on the bedside table along with his hand-held. I didn't want him to strangle himself in the night.

I watched him as I waited for sleep to wash over me when he murmured something.

"G... Guess...." I listened intently. "Don't go... No... I-I love you." I'll be honest and say my heart melted and I knew I fell for him a little more every day. His eyes fluttered open slightly. "Hey..." He said sleepily.

"Hey," I whispered back. He was about to talk but I stopped him. "Shhh go to sleep, it's okay." He moved a little, barely awake, and placed his hand on my cheek and I put my hand on his. He just smiled and closed his eyes. I put my fingers between his and lifted his hand in between us both. My sleep slowly got to me and my eyes shut; my hand still with his.

--------time skip brought to you by upcoming events-----------

The door rattled and seemed to be tinkered with. After a moment, it slowly creaked open. A figure stepped in with a blade by its' side but froze in its tracks.

He... He's here... With her... I can't... Not in front of him... Until tomorrow Guess...

The figure disappeared again and closed the door behind it. Leaving no traces.


DUN DUN DUNNNNN! Who do you think it was? It's probably not too hard to Guess (see what I did there). I made this chapter very quickly since the last one (I'm improving!)! Only one special commenter this time but I did upload fairly quickly compared to my usual rate so I can see why :P thanks to:


See you in the next one!


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