
235 8 10

19th September 2004

"So I just have to hold that, right? And clench it."

"Yes. It should be painless."

The tall, ghostly figure tried to comfort the young girl as he held his hand out, holding a small, black pebble. Trees surrounded them, shrouding them in darkness apart from the small streaks of moonlight, filtering through the orange leaves. The child-like adolescent  gathered her strength and held out her hand; the mysterious silhouette dropped the pebble into her hand.

"It's warm." She examined it in the moonlight.

"Clench," the silhouette instructed, and so the girl did. Her jaw tightened more and more as seconds passed; her skin became paler, growing out from her hand which contained the inhuman material; the pebble seemed to drain the life from her.

"It-" she was cut off by her straining, straining to try and remain silent.

"Are you in pain?" The figure's tone was concerned. She fell to her knees, still squeezing the stone in her palm. With nothing he could do, he just watched. Without being able to contain her pain, the adolescent cried out. Her screams travelled through the woods, weaving through the tree trunks. The white skin that crawled up her arm seemed to spiral up, like winter trees reaching for the full moon. The pain for her became so strong she no longer had the strength to scream. The Death God hovered before her in shock, unknowing on what to do to help her. This was Shinigami power, a power stronger than his. He could do nothing.

"Let go of it!" With no other solution, the God of Death voiced his only possible solution, which he feared the outcome of.

The helpless girl peeled her fingers from their fixed and clenched composure. Her palm revealed pale white skin with a shadow like dark spot resembling the stone's shape when it was once there. There was no stopping the process.

The vein-like whiteness continued to rise up her arm, gradually coating her in veins as it went, leaving behind only the pale skin. Once it reached her neck and started racing up one side of her face, her head flung backwards. Her eyes flashed open and her irises gradually changed colour. The white veins seemed to touch her pupils and her eyes turned blood red. By this point, all of her skin was dead white colour. Her arms suddenly wrapped themselves around her head. She pulled her own head forwards in agony, arching her back, and looking down at the dirt beneath her. From under her clothes on her back, something seemed to try and push through the cloth. The clothes tore to reveal thick black feathers which sprouted from her back. They opened up to be huge, majestic wings. After waving the wings around in the air, slowly, the girl sat back up; once again, her eyes had changed colour, now both black, but were empty and lifeless. Gradually, she rose to her feet and flapped her wings to being to hover. She was unemotional, dead.

Suddenly, she disappeared in darkness and was surrounded by a black orb. There seemed to be some sort of light trying to escape it, but it only dimmed until it went completely out. It was almost silent; it had been the whole time but now it felt all the more eerie. The black orb floated in the air beneath the rustling trees and the only witness watched in awe. The orb seemed to crack like glass, slowly splitting from the top. Then, it shattered, spilling the shards and disappearing entirely.

The girl still had remained in the orb, she now had completely pale, white skin, black feather wings and a black dress that seemed to move violently in the wind despite the wind only being a breeze. Her face had matured, her eyes were black and lips blood red. Her hair had gotten longer and flicked at the ends. The last change on her was her clothes. She wore a long dress that split at the front to show her legs and knee-high, buckled, black boots. (A/N: the dress I imagine looks similar to the picture :3). She sank to the floor, placing her feet on the ground once more. Inhaling a deep breath she looked around her, examining the new clothing and shadow from the stone on her palm.

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