What The Teams Thinks Of You

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One of the Avengers/Loki and Bucky talks about yours and his/hers relationship.


Pietro and Y/N are perfect together. Whenever they're in a room together, it's always seems happier. You can literally feel the happiness. -Wanda


No one can calm down Loki like Y/N can. It's almost like she has a spell on him. He stays out of trouble when around her, and you can tell they love each other more than anything in the world. I'm especially glad she keeps my little brother out of trouble. Did I say that already? *munches on Poptart* -Thor


Y/N makes Bucky feel good about himself. She tells him that just because of his past events doesn't make him a monster. She loves him with all her heart, and Bucky loves her back equally, if not even more. -Steve


He treats her the very best he can. He loves her uncondiotionally. She loves him just as much back. This is the first girl he's been absolutely crazy about since Peggy. Actually, scratch that. He loves her way more than Peggy. I'm glad he's finally found the one. -Bucky


Y/N could not be more perfect for Bruce. She is the only person who can calm down the big guy, even before he comes out. They are so cute together, it makes me want to barf. Don't tell ANYONE I said that... -Tony


This may be the first girl that Tony actually loves. He is always talking about her, getting her presents, treating her like a queen. It's adorable. -Bruce


Thor's crazy about Y/N, and she's crazy about Thor. That's all I have to say. -Loki


They are adorable together. They're always together, whether it's archery, bird watching, or cooking. You can tell nothing is going to happen to their relationship soon. -Peter


I was a bit shocked when I found out my sister liked girls, but I'm totally okay with it. Her and Y/N are the sweetest, cutest couple ever. If they ever break up, I think I may cry. Literally. -Pietro

Peter Parker:

Ok, to describe their relationship in a two words, I'd have to use; Nerdy and adorable. They are both so nerdy, which makes them perfect for each other. -Clint

Ok so I was listening to Kissing In Cars by Pierce the Veil while writing Steve's and I almost cried because FEELS FEELS FEELS.

~Lady Loki

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