Rainy Days

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You and Pietro will like to go play in the rain. You guys think it's a good idea until you come in and one of you ends up getting a cold.


If you wake up and hear rain, you know what will happen that day; not getting up out of bed, except for food. The day will be filled with cuddles, kisses, and just talking.


During rainy days, Loki will read and you'll clean your apartment, and then in the evening he'll cook dinner for the both of you and then cuddles afterwords.


Rainy days = reading days.


You and Steve turn into 5-year-olds again. You guys will build forts, play hide and seek, and bake cookies and other treats, just for fun.


Tony likes to dance with you during rainy days.


You both just like to sleep all day.


Baking, baking, and more baking. During rainy days with Clint, your apartment turns into a sweets shop.


She'll do little magic tricks for you to keep you entertained, and hugs and kisses usually follow.


Here's what the day consists of; Netflix, cuddling, make out sessions, and food.


All I've done today is listen to music and drink coffee. Whoops.

And sorry these are really crappy.

-lady loki

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