Smut ;)

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The blush crept up on your cheeks as you found a smut story about Pietro.

You opened and started reading. Damn, this was really good.

You heard a shuffle behind you, but ignored it. You continued reading.

"Y/N, what the fuck are you reading?" a voice said behind you, while a pair arms wrapped around your shoulders.

You bit your lip and shut your eyes. It was Pietro.

"Um..." you didn't know what to say.

"Y/N, if you wanted me to do this to you, why didn't you ask?" he said as he started kissing your neck softly.

"Uh-what?" you asked, flustered.

He picked you up, and walked towards the bedroom. "You didn't see that coming?" he asked, smirk on his face.


You were bored, and so was Bucky, which led to things getting intimate. At the moment, you were on the couch.

He threw off your shirt and bra and you two made out passionally, arms exploring each other bodies.

"Bucky?.." you heard someone say, causing you to cover up frantically.

It was Steve. "I'll just, um, get my phone later..." he stuttered, walking out.

You listened to him walk out and you both laughed.

"Now, where were we?" Bucky asked, kissing you again.


Being the God of Mischief, you guys do it...a lot. You both turn into a moaning mess, and afterwards there is intense cuddling and lots of 'I love you's.


The moment that Steve decided to get intimate with you, you were sitting on the kitchen counter. His shirt had flown off, and yours was about to come off when you were cut off by Thor, frantically looking for Poptarts. You helped him find it and picked up where you left off.


I'll make you scream all night. you read. You had found a smutty fanfiction about Tony, and you thought, why not read it?

You heard Tony walk into the house. "Y/N, I'm home!"

Your heart started to race as you quickly tried to close out of the tab on your computer, but it wasn't closing. He came behind you and kissed your cheek.

He stopped in his tracks. "Y/N. What are you reading?"

You turned to him, the guilt evident on your face. "Smut?" It came out as a question.

He smirked. "Oh darling, I can do way better than any story can ever do." he said as he lead you to the bedroom.


Ahh, smut. you thought. You were surprised how many smuts about Clint there were on this app you found called 'Wattpad'.

Clint had caught you reading smut more than once, and everytime in ended up in you having sex. Not that you were complaining, though.


Sex with Wanda was sweet, slow, and loving. Her touch felt like magic. There were loads of passionate kissing, lustful looks, and moaning. It was perfect.


Surprisingly, during sex with Peter, it was rough, considering he's very shy. He pleasures you in ways you never thought you could handle. It was blissful.


Picture: Avengers fan art.

So many of you have been asking for this. I can't really write actual smut, I suck at it. Would you guys mind giving me feedback? I honestly think this sucks crap. Like really.

-lady loki

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