Bucky Imagine Part 2

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-This is supposed to be for the last Bucky imagine, I just thought of a second part. It'll be like a first 'I love you'.-

You felt as you were in paradise. Yet all you were doing was sitting on the couch, with Bucky fast asleep between your legs as you ran your fingers through his long, silky hair. Could life be more perfect?

You felt him shift, and he sat up, giving you a lazy smile.

"You've figured out my kryptonite, Y/N." he said, positioning himself so he was sitting next to you.

"I know how to put you to sleep if I need to." you replied, grinning at him.

He wrapped his metal arm around your shoulders and kissed your temple. "I don't want to sleep unless you're there beside me."

You smiled to yourself and continued watching whatever was on.

After a while, you started getting sleepy. Bucky must have noticed, because he pulled you closer so that your head was resting on his chest.

"I love you, Y/N." he whispered. That woke you up immediately. That was the first time he had said that to you.

You looked up at him. "I love you too, Bucky." you said before kissing his lips.


Cute little Bucky imagine.

Ok so I watched this horror movie called Signs and my mom said it was a good movie and all and it was awful. So it was sad and the suspense led to nothing but utter dissappointment. At the end, I was gripping my coffee cup and saying "what the heck". My mom just laughed at me.

Otherwise, it's been a good day. All I did was listen to music and rearrange my room. How have your guy's days been?

-lady loki

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