You Hear Them Talk About You

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You were turning a corner, but stopped suddenly when you heard Pietro talking to Wanda about you. She saw you in the corner of her eye, and winked at you.

"What were you saying, Pietro? Something about Y/N?" she asked.

"How would I describe Y/N? Oh God, I don't even know. She's perfect. She's loving, caring, funny, and...well, we'd be here for a while. I love her more than anything, and I hope she feels the same way." he explained, a starstruck look in his eyes.

You quietly snuck behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist. "I love you even more than that, Pietro."


You heard him talking to Steve one day, and you heard your name so you listened in.

"I don't know why Y/N loves me, but I'm glad she does, because I love her even more. I'm glad that she doesn't judge me based on my past events. She's beautiful, caring, and most of all loving. I love her more than words." he said to Steve.

There was an uncontrollable grin on your face. You found out he loved you just as much as you loved him.


You were just about to meet Loki for breakfast, when you heard him talking about you.

"Y/N is perfect in everyway. She must be the most loving person on the earth to love me. She makes me feel happy, and not many people can do that. She doesn't think I'm a monster. I crave her touch everyday. She is mine, and if I lose her, I won't know what to do with myself."

You appeared around the corner, and Loki turned to you, a shocked look on his face, and Thor, who had a pleased look on his face.

"Did you hear that?" he asked, walking to you and giving you a kiss on the forehead.

"Hear what?" you replied with a smirk.


Tony, being his cocky self, decided to shock Bruce, which almost made him Hulk out.

His eyes were starting to turn green, and Tony was trying to find a way to calm Bruce down. You were there too, and trying desperately to help Bruce.

"Bruce, honey, calm down." you said, fear evident in your voice.

"Bruce, tell me everything you love about Y/N!" Tony yelled.

"She loves me, and she doesn't treat me like the monster I am, she's kind to everyone, especially me. I could be here for hours just talking about her." he said, the green escaping from his eyes.

He stumbled over to you, and he rested his head on your shoulder as you wrapped his arms around him.

"It's okay now, Bruce. You'll be okay." you said, rubbing his back. "And I love you as much as you love me. Maybe even more."


Warning: May cause serious feels.

As you walked to talk to Steve about something, you were stopped by sniffling.

"Steve," Bucky said. "it isn't your fault. It's just because of work. She'll love you no matter what."

"But Bucky, she'll be devastated. What am I supposed to do?" he sniffled back.

"Just tell me everything you love about Y/N. Maybe you"ll feel better." he said.

"She's a tough girl, and I deeply respect that. She also has a soft side. She hardly ever gets mad at me, though I mess up a lot. I love her more than anything, Buck."

You decide to walk in. "Hey Steve."

Bucky looked at you. "Steve needs to tell you something." he said before leaving.

"What is it, baby?" you asked, fear going through you."

"I'm going on a very dangerous mission. Fury said there's a 70% chance that we may die. We're leaving tomorrow. I just wanted to say I love you very much. I'll try to keep my promise of coming back." he said, tears forming in his eyes again.

You wrapped your arms around his neck. "I love you too, Steven Rogers."


2 months later

You sat in the Stark tower with Pepper, chattering about nothing.

You heard someone walk in. You turned around to see the one and only Captain America, grinning like an idiot.

You smiled. He kept his promise.


You woke up to Tony's spot on the bed empty. You looked at the clock. It was 3 in the morning.

He must be in the lab again. you thought.

You quietly padded to the lab, where Tony seemed to be working with Bruce. Well actually, they were sitting on stools, talking while sipping on coffee.

"What do you love about Y/N, Tony?" Bruce asked.

"Well," he started, putting his mug down. "she's different, but in a good way. I love when she gets so into what she's doing, she zones out on everything else and has perfect concentration. She has learned to put up with me, and" he laughed. "that's not very easy. And she is easily the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on." he finished.

You giggled to yourself and headed back to bed, happy with what you just heard.

When Tony climbed back into bed, he wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead.

"Goodnight, my love." you heard him whisper before falling asleep.


Her and Pietro were having a talk, and this is what you hear her say about you.

"Y/N is incredible. I love her so much, I can't even explain it. She's more than beautiful. She's extraordinary. I love her more than anything in this world. I'm glad that she's mine."


You were sitting side by side on your couch, watching TV.

"Y/N? Can I tell you something?" he asked suddenly.

You sat up. "Yeah Peter?"

"I love you so much Y/N. You're beautiful, you're kind, and so many other things. I love you more than words." he said, ending with a kiss.

Hey guys. Thanks again for the inspiration. I don't think I did really good on this one, but please give feedback.

I'm going to start putting Marvel realted pictures up with each new chapter. Hope you enjoy!

Also, sorry, I didn't have an ideas for Thor or Clint, but they will be in the next preference. I promise.

-lady loki

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