How You Knew They Liked You

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He would makes lots of jokes to make you laugh. After you guys had been dating for a while, he told you your laugh was one of the most beautiful things he had heard.


He tends to stutter whenever he would talk to you, yet whenever he's talking to someone else his speech is fine.


You know how he can act really cocky and self centered? Well, he's the complete opposite around you. He's sweet and loving, and only seems to be concered about you.


Whenever you were in the room, his face would be bright red. He would blush uncontrobally, which you found very cute.


He would make an effort to be around you at all times. No matter if he had to do something, or nothing at all, he would always want you to be around.


He would always hug you. At first you thought he was just being friendly, but the way he hugged you said otherwise.


He would show off a lot. A lot.


He would talk about you. How did you find out? Everyone on the team would tell you, because he talked about you to everyone.


She would always do little magic tricks for you, which you found absolutely adorable.


He would always leave flowers for you to find, and they were always your favorite; red roses.


Picture: Spiderman art.

I got a new Pierce the Veil bracelet (my 4th one) today and I'm very happy.

-lady loki

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