peter imagine

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"Peter! GIVE ME MY FUCKING SHIRT BACK! I'm going to be late!" you yelled.

You were trying to get ready for work. Peter obviously didn't want you to go, so he'd been doing things to make you late. Like taking the one shirt you needed to wear to work.

"You'll have to catch me, y/n!" he yelled back, running into the bathroom and locking himself in.

You stood outside of the bathroom and started banging on the door. "Peter Benjamin Parker, I'm going to be late and it's going to be your fault! I need that shirt for work!"

"Try to make me come out." You could literally hear his smirk.

You had a plan. You stood to the side of the door, being completely quiet, so he'd think you'd left.

You heard the door creak open, and when Peter walked out, you wrapped your arms around his waist.

"Ha! I got you!" you exclaimed.

He groaned and pouted. "Ugh. I don't want you to leave."

You leaned up and kissed him, grabbing your shirt in the process. "I'm sorry, babe. I'll try to get off early." He walked to the kitchen, leaving you to put your shirt on.

You looked down at your watch. Work started an hour ago. "Damn it, Peter, you made me an hour late! What am I going to do now?"

He walked back to you with grapes in his hands. "Just call in sick and spend the day with me." he shrugged, popping a grape into his mouth.

You rolled your eyes and grinned. "I guess I'll have to do that."

He grinned and wrapped you in a hug.


i'm not sure if this is really good? it's probably not. oh well. i hope you guys like it.

school is almost over for me and i'm so happy. i hate school so much. but then i start high school in september. yikes.

i'm actually stable right now emotionally, which i guess is okay. my girlfriend makes me so incredibly happy and things are just going well right now for me.

i started listening to Neck Deep the other day, and they are so so good.

i hope you all are doing okay.


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