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You woke up the next morning feeling nothing but exhaustion. Nevertheless, you and Owen trudged through the day. You gave fake smiles as you went through the shows and training. Eventually, you headed towards Gold's pen. You were still scared for your training session, of course, but it was unavoidable. There were still people gathered around as you approached.

"Oh man, what's it doing?!" You heard a kid yell.

You and Owen turned your attention to the dinosaur. It lifted its great head, swung it down, and then one by one, it swallowed up at six eggs. You and Owen exchanged a wide-eyed look.

"Well, that takes care of that problem." He said slowly, obviously just as shocked as you.

You nodded numbly. Both of you approached the cage. You were reconsidering going in with him today. He didn't seem in the best of moods. Owen grasped your hand for a moment, then gave it a gentle squeeze.

"You don't have to do this. We can just go back."

You closed your eyes for a moment and then took a deep breath.

"I can do this." You said firmly.

Owen nodded and opened the gate. This time he closed it behind you, fearing a kid might get in and injured.

You approached Gold and held out a hand in front of you.

"Hey, is that a girl in there?" You heard someone say.

"Yeah, she's one of those two raptor trainers." Another voice replied.

You tried to ignore the mumblings. Gold recognised you immediately and bent his head down to see you. You smiled a little.

"Hey Gold, how are we going today?" You asked in a soft voice.

Gold blew air out of his nostrils at you and then made a little growl sound.

"Good, huh?" You smiled, remembering the original way you two had communicated so many years ago.

Gold had never really shown signs of aggression towards you. Even the 'attack' was just play gone wrong. You put a hand on your stomach where the scars were, and Gold nudged you gently.

"Don't worry, I'm fine now." You assured him.

He sniffed you a few times, and then his head whipped up, staring Owen dead in the eyes for a moment.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked Gold softly.

He growled again, then nudged me under him with his head, still growling at Owen.

"It's okay. He's a good guy." You murmured to the angry dinosaur.

Gold took no notice, of course. You decided it was too dangerous to stay in there, so you headed towards the exit. Gold growled at you, a warning. You didn't care; you just wanted out of there right now. Owen opened the gate, and you bolted through it. The thing slammed down just before Gold could get his head through and snap at Owen.

"He's not in the best of moods." You panted softly.

Owen nodded in agreement, and you both walked back to get lunch.

You both sat there in silence for a while, thinking about things. Gold had acted so strangely. You drummed your fingers on the table lightly, your mind running over everything. You'd been feeling rotten for the past three weeks. You were worried you were coming down with some kind of flu.

"You okay?" Owen asked softly.

You nodded, then got up and wandered around the other side of the table so you could sit next to Owen and lean your head against his broad shoulders. It took you a moment to realise something. Eight weeks. That was how long you and Owen had been in a relationship, and that meant it was six weeks since... And you should have had... You jumped up from your seat, giving Owen an awful shock.

"Woah, are you alright?" He asked. You didn't know how to respond. "I just... I have to go do something." You stammered. Owen got up to follow you, clearly concerned, but you shook your head and stopped him in his tracks. You left the lunchroom.

Eventually, you found yourself in the hotel convenience store. You stood in front of a wall of supplies. Most prominently, the pregnancy tests. With a shaking hand, you took one down from the shelf and looked at it.

"So there you are." A voice said.

You looked up in surprise to see Owen. He looked at what you were holding and then back at you, his eyes full of shock and a little bit of fear.

"Are you..?"

"I don't know. Wh-what if I was?" You stuttered, hands shaking again.

You were terrified he might leave you.

"Well, then we'd have to teach the raptors how to behave around an infant." He said after a moment.

 You sighed with relief. You paid for the box, and Owen walked you back to your room. You went into the bathroom and took both of the tests in the box. You emerged holding them, placed them on your bedside table and sat down.

"Well?" Owen asked.

"I don't know yet. We have to wait." You told him.

He nodded, seeming almost impatient. His face was creased with anxiety; Your nauseated stomach echoed a similar sentiment.

As soon as the time was up, you picked up both tests and looked at them. You looked at Owen, then back at the tests. "Well, what does it say?".

The DNA Inside - Owen Grady x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now