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It had been an hour since you reached your decision. You needed to find your mother. She was the one responsible for this. She was the one who could stop it. You know that the cyanide device you had found inside the dinosaur had to be activated remotely, so therefore the controls had to be on the island somewhere. You had to get to them and find a way to activate them on the carnivores.

"Where could she possibly hide a secret kill switch?" Owen asked, cocking an eyebrow when you told him your plan.

"It has to be somewhere on this island." You told him firmly.

He seemed sceptical for a while, constantly glancing around for danger. He was so scared for Lily's safety. You were too. He froze for just a second as something clicked in his mind.

"The old building."

"What?" You asked in confusion.

"She might be hiding in the old building. Someone had to let Gold out."

You realised Owen was right, looking in the direction of the old building.

"How long would it take to get there?" You asked.

Owen considered it for a moment. 

"About five hours." He replied.

That was a long time. Especially after you had reached the docks. The evacuation team would be here in twelve, and that meant if you walked all the way there and back, you would have an hour to find the controls in between. If Owen's hunch was right, of course. It was also relying on the fact that you didn't take any rests during the walking. You didn't know if you were in a state to do that since you were in so much pain already and refused to let Owen know.

"What about Lily and Maria?" You asked.

"They'll have to come too." Owen sighed, worrying greatly about their safety.

"And if we don't get back here in time to signal the rescuers?"

"They won't need a signal... Not if they see dinosaurs loose all over the island."

You knew you wouldn't have enough time if you kept questioning everything, so you decided it was best to head to the abandoned building. You gathered all of your supplies and headed out. Owen had Lily for the first hour of the journey. The little one was fast asleep and looked so innocent. She could understand what was going on right now, and you were so thankful for that. If you made it off of the island, you'd tell her stories of how it happened when she was older. It was four hours into the journey when you felt your legs give out under you. The world span as you fell. The increasing pain had become too much for you.

"(Y/N)!" Owen cried, rushing to help you.

A frightened Maria held Lily close to protect her.

"Owen..?" You mumbled, your eyes wheeling to see him.

Everything was kind of blurry. Owen was exhausted too, but he mustered his strength and picked you up.

"Owen, no..." You protested, "You have to go without me. I'll slow you down."

Owen didn't reply to you. He just kept walking.

"Owen, please." You begged, but he didn't listen to you.

He was determined you'd make it there with them. At all costs. You could feel your consciousness slipping away, but you fought to stay awake. Owen kept ploughing along until he saw that your eyes had closed.

"(Y/n)?" He asked, a panicked look appearing on his face.

He couldn't wake you up...

"(Y/N)?!" He lay you down on the ground and checked for a heartbeat. He could hear a slow thudding sound in your chest. You were breathing too.


He couldn't understand why you had passed out.

"Owen, we need to keep going," Maria said quietly.

Owen nodded, picked you back up and took a deep breath.

"Let's go.".

One hour there. One hour to find the controls. Five hours back. That was what you had left before the rescue crews arrived.

The DNA Inside - Owen Grady x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now