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When you came around again, you weren't sure what time it was. The curtains were thick and drawn, so you couldn't tell if it was day or night. Owen had vanished, and something felt horribly wrong. Your hands immediately sprung down to touch your bump, to find it had somewhat decreased in size—the baby. You were about to get up when you heard a cry from outside the room. A baby's cry. You gave a soft sigh of relief and closed your eyes again. The cry got louder, accompanied by footsteps coming closer. Then the door opened, and you heard Owen murmuring.

"Alright, you're hungry; I got it."

The footsteps got closer, and then you felt a tug on your top, then the odd sensation you realised was the baby breastfeeding. You opened your eyes slowly and smiled up at Owen. His eyes widened upon meeting yours.

"You're awake." He breathed, seemingly extremely shocked.

"I am." You murmured hoarsely.

"You've been unconscious for two days. You really scared us." He whispered, stroking your cheek gently

 He glanced at the baby in his other arm.

"It's a girl."

A girl. A little baby girl.

"We have a daughter?" You smiled, gazing down at the beautiful baby.

She had her father's eyes.

"What did you..?"

"Name her? I thought that was something we should do together."

You couldn't help but feel grateful.

"Did I miss her birth?" You asked, a little surprised.

"No, you were awake during that. Don't you remember?" He asked, holding up his hand, which had a considerable bruise on it.

Then you noticed the handprint on his cheek.

"What happened?"

"You started screaming at me and hitting me a lot." Owen chuckled.

He guided your weak arms to cradle the baby, keeping his in place in case you weren't strong enough to hold her on your own yet. She was so beautiful. It was hard to believe she was really here. You wanted to stay there and hold her forever, but your body had other ideas. You closed your eyes, and your exhausted body fell back asleep.

When you woke up again, Owen was nowhere to be seen, but Maria sat beside your bed, dabbing your forehead softly with a towel.

"Oh, you're awake." She murmured.

Her soft voice seemed nervous.

"Can I get up?" You asked, feeling pretty stiff.

She bit her lip.

"Maybe, I don't know. I don't think you should strain yourself." She mumbled.

"I'll be fine.". You slowly wiggled back a little and slowly propped yourself up.

"Where are they?" You were starting to worry.

"Asleep in the next room," Maria told you gently, offering the tiniest hint of a smile.

You desperately needed to stretch your legs so, after a bit of arguing, Maria helped you out of bed. You took a few tentative steps, supported by the young girl, then stopped, feeling a little too shaky and trying to ignore the persistent pain radiating throughout your lower half.

"I'm no use if I can't even walk." You sighed, leaning against the door.

"Hey, don't say that."

A voice said from down the hall.

"Owen." You smiled.

He approached, holding your daughter in his arms.

"I'm glad to see sleeping beauty is feeling better."

He offered the baby to you, still keeping his arms under yours just in case. Although you were grateful Owen was helping keep the baby safe, you really wished you could hold her without fear of being too weak and accidentally dropping her.

"I can't keep calling her 'kid'... She really needs a name." Owen said, obviously prompting you to suggest one.

"Well, how about..."

So! It's time to name the baby :) suggest names in the comments, and I'll pick one!

The DNA Inside - Owen Grady x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now