Sam's pov....

Me: dan, need ride to school, car in garage
Danny: okay be there in 5

I grabbed a pen from my desk, and looked, in my bag for my diary. But it wasn't there, could have sworn it was there.

"You look confused" Danny said. Making me jump.

"Yeahhh I am, my book, which is black, and I use for science, I can't find it." I lied.

"Maybe it's in your locker, I'm sure it will turn up, now let's go" he said and walked to his car.

Im wearing a pair of black skinny Jeans, and a white tank top. My black leather jacket over the top. I completed my outfit, with a pair of combat boots and belt which held up my jeans. Now that I was losing weight, my jeans weren't fitting me proberly, which was annoying.

We drive to school in slicence, only the radio playing. I turned that out and started thinking about the sting on my wrist and thighs which Itched, for the cold,metal blade to be ran across them.


The day pasted with in a blur, it was the Same routine, same lessons, same fake smile and laugh.

I lay on my bed, window open. And smoking.

It Took the edge of my hunger, but it wasn't enough, I began using diet pills last night, hoping it would work.

The sign's of weight loss where starting to show. My collarbones became to become visible, my cheekbones looked perfect, my clothes didn't for as well anymore.

"Dinner" Mum called.

"I'm not Hungry me And Hanna got a pizza after school" I shout back, hoping she'll believe my lie.

Dannys pov...

I open up Sam's diary again. I should have given it back to her but I couldn't think of a reason of how I end up with it.

Dear diary,
I want to die. What's the point of being alive if you're not happy? But you don't commit suicide coz it would hurt everyone close to you?

I stopped reading, what's written in Samanthas diary isn't my business. I shouldn't have taken it.

Sams pov.....

"You need to eat" Mum said.

"I already have mother" I say, wastle logging into Facebook.

"Good day with everyone :) xx"
I write as my status, it was a lie off course, but nobody ever puts the bad parts of there life on social media.

After I put a status on Facebook, I got in the shower. The water stung my fresh cuts on my shoulders. The water makes my skin easier cut, meaning I could cut deeper, and deeper.

I pulled a blade along my wrist, I was nearly at a vein when there was a knocked at My bedroom door.

"Just a minute" I called.
I turned off the shower, and walked out my own personal bathroom. I pulled on a shirt and some leggings. As for the cuts on my wrist I hanged my towel over my wrist, it looked as if I was folding it. (Hopefully)

"Come in"

"Hi" Danny said. "I found this the other day when you dropped your stuff thought I should return it"

"Oh,thanks, you didn't read it did you?" I ask starting to feel uncomfortable because of my bleeding wrist.

"No, off course I didn't. It's yours not mine" he said putting it on my bookshelf.

"Thanks for finding it by the way." I smile a slightly move the towel as it was making my fresh cuts sting and itch.

"Wanna hang out?" Danny asks.

"Sorry Dan, I've got an art project to finsh, see you tomorrow?" I say with a fake smile.
As soon as he's gone, scidual thoughts rush through my head.

"Your not wanted, just die"

"Your no good for no one"

' the world would be a better place without you"

"Your nothing but a wase of space"

"No one would miss you"

I pull the knife along my wrists, thighs and belly. Each cut getting deeper and deeper.

This isn't my place, I don't belong here.

Aedens pov...

I get off the train, I took to come and see my baby girl. Dannys picking me up.

"Alright?" Danny says

"Yeah you?"

"Yeah, wanna go to sams? I know she wants to see you" he says getting back in the car.

I chuck my back pack, in the back seat,and climb in the car. We drive to Sams talking about how life is different being so far away from her and everything.


"Hello?" I call out once walked inside Samantha's house. Danny follows me in. There's a key kept under the flower pot outside.

"Any one in?" I call out again.

"Music is playing up straits, maybe she can't hear us" Danny says.

We reach Sam's room. Her body looks lifeless, and peaceful.

She's dead!

My world is gone. Tears rush down my face.

"Please baby girl, wake up for me?" I ask weakly, crouching beside her.
It's no use, she lays there lifeless. I sit beside her, Danny sits with me. He's arms wrapped me, comforting me.

"Aeden, there's a note" he says
I lift my head and noitice a peace of papper laying beside Samantha.

I read it out loud.
"Dear whom this may concern,
If you've found me, then I'm sorry. Sorry that you had to see me like this. Sorry but this just isn't my place. I couldn't cope, and I'm sorry for that.

How I ended up like this maybe upsetting. If you want the truth of what happened to me, read my diary, its kept in the back of my closet in a shoe box.

Tell Aeden I love him and that I never ment to hurt him. And thankyouuu for everything.

Tell my friends to forget me and move on. And that I'm sorry.

Tell my Mum I love her and that I'm sorry for not being the perfect child, that she wanted but this life wasn't ment for me.

Im sorry this isn't your fault its mine.
Please don't blame yourself, its not your fault. I promise.

Love From sammy bear xx"

A'N: So that's the end of this story.

What do you think?

Sorry if the story isn't great but it's my first attempt at writing a story. Might re-write some of the chapters, pick one and let me know.

Vote, like,comment.

Thanks to everyone whos read this, it means a lot to me, so Thank you

I'm gunna write a squeale called the one that could have been. It's a squeale to this. So check it out, would really appreciate.

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