chapter 17

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Aedens pov....

"Morning baby girl" I say wrapping my arms around Sam.

"Heyyy handsome" Sam says sticking her tounge out at me.

"Your beautiful" I say kissing Sam on the lips.

"You mean pain" Sam says running her fingers though my hair.

"No I mean beautiful"

"But I'm not though"

"Okayy well your beautiful pain" I say planting a kiss on Sam's lips.

A few hours later....

Sam and I are walking along the sea front. Hand in hand. Flirting, laughing,talking.

Suddenly Sam's smile drops from her face, her eyes narrow on a boy that stands tall and seems not scary as Sam is making him out to be. But you never know.

"Well if it isn't slutty Sam" the boy says.

"Leave me alone" Sam says, her grip on my hand tighting

"Everyone at school thinks you've ran away from us. Are we that bad?" The boy questions.

Sam doesn't respond she stands their with her eyes watering as if she's going to cry.

"Leave her alone. She's done bugger all to you. Can't you see your scarring her. I don't care what the hell happened in the past, she don't live there anymore. So leave her alone" I say stepping in between them. Blocking Sam from the boy's veiw.

"Who are you?"

"None of your business, but I could ask you the same thing. Just leave her alone. This really isn't worth your time " I say pulling Sam away. "Are you going to explain what the hell just happened?" I ask as we get in my car.

Sam shakes her head.

We drive back to mine in silence not one of us said a word.

"Aeden?" Sam says sitting on my bed pulling her legs to her chest.

"Yes?" I reply

"I want to explain everything" Sam says "Ive got to warn you, that you might not like me once I've finished explaining this. But please don't hare me. I love you okay?"

"I wouldn't ever hate you. I love you to" I reply sitting on my bed.

"I got bullied, in primary and secondary. But when I began secondary it got worst. People found out about my parents not being together, they started judging me on what I wore, the music I listened to, everything they could use, they judge me on. I remember once I was sitting in art drawing a picture for my dad, it was a picture of me and him playing Lego. And as I got up to get some paints, they ripped it up and though it in my face, they laughed. Anthor thing I remember is when I got a football kicked at me, it hit just below my boob. It hurt my Asama started playing up, luckily I had my in halier" Sam pauses to wipe some tears away.
"It carried on and on like this for 4 years, untill one day I got beat up and ran away from my problems because I was to week to do anything about it. I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything. I don't mean to upset you" Sam says, she's about to leave but I pull her in for a hug.

I had no Idea it was this bad. How could someone do this to someone so beautiful.

"I won't let anyone ever hurt you again" I wishper in Sam's ear.

An: don't know when next update will be. Will be when I'm not so busy.

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