chapter 2

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'Were moving house' mum says

'What why?' I ask putting my black converse on which got with my black jeans and black hoodie.

'I can tell your something is bothering you, I've picked you up from school over 200 times because you where upset. I'm worried and want you to have a better life.' Mum says putting her blonde hair into a messy bun.

' okay. And school?' I ask.

'I've already in enrolled In a school, with great Ofsted reports, amazing teachers and pupils there' she says proudly ' its the Royal John Smiths school'

'What's so bloody royal about it? Sounds like a load of trash to me' i say

' I don't know. Think it has royal in the name because it acterlly gets results out of it students you know?'

'Yeah, yeah whatever, I'm going out back later' I say and walk out the door.
I walk to the library, its my favourite place to be.

I grab a book of the shelf 'twilight'. I find a comfy chair and sit down. Hardly   anyone is here apart from the librarian and a few elderly people.

'Thought you would be here' a deep voice pulls my attention away from the book.

' what do you want drake?' I ask

' I want to know if you Want go on a date with me?' Drake asks And smile's.

'No. Were not friends anymore. You don't talk to me anymore. Your only mean to me. You bully me' I wishper

'Yeah sorry about that' he says looking annoyed that I rejected him.

'If this a trick to get Amy to beat me up again. Forget it' I pause 'besides you had your chance and you lost it. My answer is still no' I say and walk out the library and head home.

I dump my shoes at the front door. And make my way the kitchen. My house wasn't  at all big. It  was small. The kitchen and living room where joined together and the bathroom and two bedroom's upstairs wasnt so grande either.

Leftovers of chicken and Noddles in fridge, help yourself. Will be  late home. Got work till 5, and meeting with owners of our new house for moving date next week.
Love mum x

I pulled out my phone a cheeked the time 5pm. Dinner time  I thought and smiled.

I eat dinner watching the fault in our stars. I cried most of the way though. But well worth it. After the film had finished I started drawing a lizard, I had no idea why, it's just what came to mind.

The house phone rang. 'Hello?' I answered

'Hello, is Mrs Davis there? It's the Royal John Smith school calling.' A women spoke.

' may I ask what is it about?' I asked wanting to know more.

'Sorry, I can't tell you, do you know when shell be back?" The women asked

'No haven't got a clue sorry. I'll let her know you rang, bye' I say putting the phone back on stand.

Royal John smith school rang dunno what it is about.
Night x
Love Sam x x

Once finished writing the note I went off the bed.

'Your a worthless little whore, who's better of dead!' A voice screems

'Leave me the fuck alone' i scream back

'Freak, an attention seeking sket is what you are!' I voice hisses.
Before I know it I'm pinned up against the wall with people punching me.

'I didn't do anything!' I muttered 'stop please?' I cry

I'm shaken awake.
'Sam! Wake up!!!' Mum says in a gentle voice 'Samantha?' Mum says.

I grasp for air, I'm sweating.
'what happened?' Mum akses

'Nightmare' I answer pulling my duvet around me.

A\N: like , vote comment please.

Please Ignore any mistakes but if you wish feel free to point the them out.

Sorry last chapter was short

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