Aedens pov....

Two weeks later.....

"Why didn't you tell me you where bloody moving? You know before you asked me out?" Sam says. Sounding upset that I'm moving up north towards London, to go to college.

"Because, I only found out a few days ago" I reply.

"Okayy and but still ....." Sam trail's off

"But still what?" I say after a few seconds have past.

"What if you forget about me? And break up with me?" Sam questions, a few tears roll of her cheeks. I wipe them away. And wrap my arms around Sam. Trying to comfort her.

"Its okay baby girl, because I love you and I want this to last because what we have is special" I say realising how Sam feels.


Its a sunny Sunday afternoon and I'm wondering around the local fair, with a few of my mates.
Sam is performing in the village show.

"Guess who?" A female voice says putting there hands over my eyes.

"Erm...the most beautiful girl In the word, my Sammy bear?" I say turning round and kissing Sam on the lips.

She's wearing black skinny jeans, and a hoodie. With black converse. Where as I wear a pair if cargo shorts and a blue top with tranniers.

"Its time for me to perform" Sam says pulling away. "Wish me luck' Sam says with a kiss and walks off on stage.

Sam sits on Stoll , her guitar in her hands.

" hi everyone,before I start I want to decorate this song to my grandad." Sam says.

Sam closes her eyes. And starts playing the guitar.

After a while she's starts singing .

"Return to sender,
return to sender,,
No such number,
No such zone."

Sam opens her eyes a finds me in crowd. I cheer along with the other people.

Sam's voice is like an angle, truly amazing.

"Bright and early next morning
, my letter came back.
So I put so it in the post box.
Sent a special 'D'
Bright and early, next morning,
My letter came back saying"

Sam pauses. And closes her eyes.

"Return to sender,
No such person,
No such number,
No such zone,
Return to sender"

Sam plays the last note, she opens her eyes and smiles.

"Thank you" Sam says and walks of stage, giving her guitar to one of the crew back stage.

"Wow..that was just.. 'wow!" I say wrapping my arms around Sam. She wraps her arms around my neck and j pick her up.

"Well done Sam" " your amazing" my mates say. Finally excepting Sam into our group.

Sam looks at me and smiles.

"Can we go for a walk?" Sam says pulling me towards, a Stoll which has big teddy bear as a prize, the Stoll has about 3 or 4 coconuts standing on some pole's, and the idea is you knock them of throwing a ball at them.

"Let me guess, my Sammy bear wants me to win her a bear?" I question pulling out a couple off quid and giving the money to person on the Stoll.

"Since your offering, yeah sure why not" Sam laughs.

"Anything for your princess" I say. And throw the ball at the coconut's. I knock two down. Which is enough for a small bear.

I pick a chocolate colour one a pass it to Sam.

"Thanks, I love you" Sam squealed

"I love you to" I say as we walk over to ice cream. Stand and buy some ice cream.

"I'm calling the bear iden" Sam says randomly.

"Whys that?" I question slightly confused.

"Its like Aeden, but it's not its iden. Plus it was won by you. So it's only fair the bear, gets called after you" Sam says and we both laugh.

We finish our ice cream in silence.
Before the winners are announced for the village show.

"Good afternoon laids and gents." A man in a black suit looking smart "before I announce the winners I want to say,a massive thank you to everyone involved with the fair. And every one who took part." He pauses as the crowd cheers. Shouts and whistles feel the air

"In 3rd place ~ Ashley Thompson, winning a chance to meet a celebrity of her choice.
In 2nd place~ 'Samantha Davis winning a scolorship to any college of her choice and to meet two celebrity's of her choice. "

"Oh my gosh!you know what that meant don't you?" Sam says. As the winner is announced I lose attention to the man after Sam speeks.

"What?" I say amazed at how excited Sam is.

"Not only did I beat a person that use to bully me, but I get a soclorship to any college I want" Sam says smiling with an knowing smile.

"Wait. Your not acterly thinking about that are you?" I say worried. Don't get me wrong, I would love if Sam came to live with me and my family and went to college near mine but she can't just pack up and leave every thing she has here. Can she?

Sorry if this chapter isn't any good. I tried to make this a cheerful chapter.
What you think?

How was everyone's weekend?
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Please ignore my spelling mistakes if there is any.

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