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Hello dear friends and readers!

I am so so so so soooooooooo sorry for not updating this book in a year!! I never intended to take that long, believe me. I had taken a break to settle into school last year and then I just never got around to it I guess. I've definitely missed writing for you all but I am getting back into and should have an update very very soon (in the next day or two!). I'm in the process of writing the next chapter as well as going back and editing through my old chapters. I'm not changing any of the plot or content of the old chapters so don't feel like if you don't re-read them that you are missing anything I've taken away or added; I'm only editing how I've worded things, grammar, etc! (I wouldn't expect you guys to re-read my whole book that you've already read!) So again, I am so sorry for taking so long but I am finally updating soon so keep your eyes out for the update! 

I've missed you all!


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