Chapter 24: Please wake up

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*Thursday June 21, 2012*


Louis’ POV

“Good morning boys we’ll be starting to wake her up in the next few minutes. Will her father be here?” The doctor asked both Luke and myself as he walked in.

“Alright and um no; he has to be at work unfortunately.” Luke lied.

“Ok, well I’ll go get the nurse and we’ll get started.”

“Thank you” We both responded as he left the room. The room was silent for a moment.

“Do you think she’ll be mad at me?” I blankly asked Luke as a stared at the floor in thought.

“I don’t know; maybe.” He said shrugging his shoulders. “You know-” He paused “She loves you man and even if she is at first she’ll get over it. She’ll thank you eventually for it. It’ll be fine alright?” He tried assuring me patting my back as the doctor and nurse walked in. I simply nodded my head and smiled at Luke before standing back up.

“Now this will either happen quickly in less than about an hour or it could take her a few hours; it just depends.” The doctor told us.

The nurse began injecting the fluids into her IV. Ten minutes had passed and nothing had happened yet. I know what the doctor said but I was being impatient and was worried that she wouldn’t wake up. I was at this point pacing back and forth not taking my eyes off of her though if she was to wake.

“Hmp” I heard a muffled sound come from Allie about a half hour after the nurse had started the IV.

“Allie.” I said immediately rushing over to her. Her eyes were still closed and she hadn’t moved other than her lips slightly.

Suddenly she started violently tossing back and forth and I saw her heart rate rise quickly. She still had not opened her eyes or said anything else other than groans.

“What’s wrong?!” I asked alarmed “Allie, Allie. You’re alright calm down it’s alright you’re safe. Allie.” I said but I don’t even know if she was really awake to hear me.

“Louis I need you to back up alright.” The nurse said as she and the doctor came to her side.


“NO please no no no NO!!” I screeched as tears streamed down my face and I jolted up in bed.

“Allie, Allie. You’re alright calm down it’s alright you’re safe. Allie.” Louis said trying to calm me down as he brought me into his arms. My head in his chest as he ran is fingers through my hair; whispering that I was alright and it was just a dream.” I looked over to see that it was 3:47 am.

“I-I’m sorry Lou it’s late and I woke you.”

“That doesn’t matter; are you alright now love?” He asked looking into my eyes with concern

“Yea” I said simply nodding my head.

“You want me to make some tea?”

“Would you mind?”

“Course not; I’ll be right back ok.” He said kissing my forehead before leaving to the kitchen.

I sat back in bed trying to still calm myself down.

“I love her ya know; I’m just worried.” I heard Louis say. But once again I heard it from a distance like before.

“I know man, just give it time and she’ll be up soon.” Luke? Was that Luke? It sounded like him?


“Louis” I heard Allie whisper. Her voice was so broken and hoarse I could barely hear her. I rushed over to her grasping her hand in mine; her eyes still closed.

“Yes, I’m right here.” I assured her.

A moment later she started to slowly open her eyes.

“Where are we?” She asked barely above a whisper.

“You’re in the hospital love. Do you remember what happened?” I asked softly hoping to keep her calm through all of this. She opened her eyes fully and looked around. As she looked around she saw Luke and the doctors and nurses. Panic took over her face as I guess reality hit her.

“No, no, no, no. Please no!!” She let go of my hand and her heart rate went up and she started to shake terribly.

“Why did you do this!?” She asked stared right up at me; she looked so scared.

“Allie I-”

“No! no no no.” She cut me off continuing to shake her head has tears streamed down her face. It broke my heart to see her like this.

“Louis I need you to step out right now.” The doctor told me moving me out of the way as Luke basically dragged me out.


“I thought you loved me; why would you do this to me?!” I heard Allie say brokenly as I was pulled out of the door. 

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