Chapter 19: Goodbye?

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*Tuesday June 5, 2012*

School ended 2 weeks ago and Louis graduated high school! I’m so proud of him and he got into the school that is right down the street! He isn’t going anywhere; he’s staying here with me! Everything is going great recently; I’m a year and 3 months clean of self-harm, Louis and I have been together for a year and a half, Olivia has seemed to back off a bit, and I’m just overall happier. I still get bad days of depression and my dad hasn’t changed or gotten better but I doubt he ever will anyways. Other than that, things are going well! Louis’s picking me up in a bit to go out for the day! Bye

Allie’s POV

“You’re an idiot you know that?!” I jokingly punched Louis in the arm as he had just chased me around the park and threw me over his shoulder, before finally putting me down. 

I was having a really great day with Louis just messing around at the park. We were both in mid laughter when my phone rang.

Louis POV

“Hello!” Allie answered her phone as she was trying to stop her laughs. Then all of the sudden her face dropped and she fell to the ground but I caught her, lowering us both to the grass in the middle of the park; the phone still to her ear. She sat there lifeless listening to whatever was being told to her.

“What?” She said in a practical whisper as she let out a breath. We continued to sit there in silence as she listened to whoever was on the other line.

“What are the police saying?” She asked. I sat there holding her clueless as to what was going on. Whatever it was though broke Allie in a matter of seconds.

“An accident!?” She asked seeming shocked

“Alright, um I’ll be there soon. Bye” She said before dropping the phone to the ground besides us.

“Who was that?”

“Luke.” She responded blankly.

“What’s wrong?”

“M-my m-mom.” She said staring up at me. She looked broken and as if she was still processing whatever was going on.

“She’s – she’s dead.”


“My dad, he, he threw her down the stairs and she, she hit her head and.” “She’s gone” She cried looking up at me as realization to what was going on hit her.

“I- I need to um, I need to get home.” She said standing up quickly in panic.

The car ride was silent. I don’t think she wanted to talk at the moment and neither of us really knew what to say. She just sat there in the passenger seat looking out the window; as if all the life had been drained out of her. I still didn’t know what had happened exactly but I knew I would just find out when we got there instead of having Allie talk about it. I didn’t know how to comfort her at all; I felt helpless to her. The most I could do is hold her hand; and that’s all, nothing more really. We pulled up to her house; multiple police cars parked in front along with ambulance, I parked my car down the block.

“Luke.” Allie said making her way to her brother who was standing in the driveway waiting for her. I saw it in his eyes; he was broken too. They both just lost the only parent that was an actual parent to them. After giving them a moment I walked up to them both as Allie was asking Luke for details.

“What happened? How could they say it was an accident?”

“I was up in my room and they were fighting. Dad was screaming at her for something and the next thing I knew I heard mom scream and a bang. I came out to see her at the bottom of the stairs and there was blood all around her. Dad pushed her down the stairs; but he’s claiming she just fell and that it was an accident and the cops believe him. He’s getting away with it Al.” He explained. Her dad killed her?!

“But can’t you say something, you were here” She asked

“I can’t dad already threatened me.”

“We still have to live with him then?” She asked terrified

“I just graduated, I’m 18 so I can get my own place and you can just live with me.” He said trying to figure it all out.

“O-ok.” “Do you think he meant to kill her?”

“No, but it happened.”

“Where is he?” She asked looking around.

“In the house talking to the police.” Luke said

Allie just nodded before walking towards her house.

“Sir, we are so sorry for your loss.” One of the officers said on the porch as they all left the house. Allie’s dad looked somber; I don’t know what he is actually feeling or thinking but I know he’s just acting in the moment.

“Can you wait for me? I’ll be out when I can be.”

“Of course.” I waited outside so her dad wouldn’t see me as both Allie and Luke went inside.

Allie’s POV

“Listen! This was an accident and I didn’t do anything wrong you understand! We aren’t going to ever talk about this or her.” My dad ordered.

“How can you act like this didn’t happen? Mom’s dead! I’m moving out and Allie’s coming with me.” Luke said. I silently stood by him.

“No she’s not! There’s no reason for her to leave; she’s 16. You however can leave or stay if you please, I don’t care but Allie is not leaving to make me look like a bad parent.”

“This is ridiculous!”

“Don’t question me!” My father barked at Luke. “I’m going to the bar; I won’t be home tonight.” He said before leaving the house. I texted Louis to come inside.


“What do I do? I can’t live here with him.” I said worrying. I can’t live here with just my dad; he’ll kill me too.

“I won’t move out if you can’t. I’m not leaving you here with him.” Luke said

“I can’t make you stay because of me.”

“I’m staying because I want you safe alright? I’m not changing my mind; I’m staying.”

“Alright” I practically whispered. Everything was setting in that my mom was really dead; she’s gone forever and now we just have my dad.

“I don’t want to be here tonight; mom died here.”

“Just come over to my house then.” Louis said softly.

“Yeah; um I’ll be back.” I said walking up the stairs to my room. My thoughts were killing me. My dad, he’s going to kill me next. My anxiety was rising and once I got into my room and closed the door I completely broke down. I couldn’t breathe correctly; I was crying uncontrollably and I felt like I was drowning as I fell to the ground. Everything was falling apart and the urge to cut was unbearable. So there I found myself sat on my bathroom floor like so many times before; after over a year I was cutting into my skin over and over again. Feeling the relief it gave me; even if only for during that time I didn’t care. I wasn’t even thinking about the fact that Louis was right downstairs with Luke and was probably wondering what I was doing and why I was taking so long. It was in that moment that I was too scared to care; to care that I had relapsed, to care if Louis would be disappointed, to care if Luke found out, or to care about anything anymore. The only thing I could think about is that my mom was dead because of my dad and I would be next. 


Hope you guys like the chapter! I know, lots of drama.

I updated a day early! So I didn't have to take any finals today because my grades were high enough! So because of that I had time to edit last night since I didn't have to study! So IM DONE WITH HIGH SCHOOL OMK THATS CRAZY TO ME!!!

Don't forget to please vote and comment! I love talking to you guys! <3

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