It was just Flashbacks

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I shook my head the memories suddenly gone. The fights . The love. This was just another memory to add to the rest with Calum. I turned and looked in the mirror . My wedding dress was perfect and my hair. I turned and looked at my mom who had tears coming down her eyes. I wiped them away and hugged her. This was it walking down the aisle was real. "This isn't real." I said. "What do you mean?" Amy said. "I am not marrying the love of my life this is a dream." I said. "Nope ." She pinched me. "Ow!" "Sorry. Come on you are already late." I walked though the hall to get to the doors my dad was waiting there. Amy walked down with Ashton , Mali walked down with luke , and Michael walked down with Dana my close cousin. Claire , my little cousin Hannah , and lee walked down the aisle . Claire was throwing the flower in the air and Hannah was dropping them nicely. I chuckled to my self because of Claire . Lee just ran down the aisle. I looked at my dad who was about ready to cry. "My little girl isn't little anymore." He said. "Stop." I said with tears running down my face. He kisses my forehead and then we linked arms . We slowly started to walk as the music started to play. I looked at my dad and just started laughing. I couldn't take him serious I am not sure why but I couldn't. I didn't look around I just looked at my feet. "Put your head up we need pictures." He said . I just smiled and looked ahead and saw the guy I want to marry for ages. I smiled. His brown eyes glistened in the light. I looked at amy who had some tears. I wasn't sure why. We finally made it and my dad handed me to Calum and we walked up the couple steps. We got to the pastor and I turned to face him. I stared in those puppy dog eyes of his for what felt like forever. The pastor was talking but I just focused on Calum . I repeated what I had to say and then I said "I do." Calum did the same . "I do." "I know you have vows so go head." The pastor guy said. I pulled out the paper I was hiding in my heels . "Calum Thomas Hood. I have loved you from the start. The bumps in our road together have brought us closer. The Love we have for each other is strong. You are the love of my life and I am so happy to be with you. I will never give up on you or us. I love you forever and always." I said tears rolling down my face . Calum started to speak "We have had craziness but we can get through it. We can get through anything as long as we are together. I love you forever and always. Also when it is that time of the month I shall bring you chocolate and anything you want. " I started to laugh at that last comment. "You may kiss the bride." The pastor said. Calum picked me up and spun me around as he kissed me. We walked to the car and drove to the hall where our resection was at. The car ride was full of soft kisses and I love you so fucking much. We arrived and the people watched us walk in. We sat at the table in the front of all the people. Amy sat by me , Calum sat by Luke, and etc. Calum and I were in the middle. Our wedding colors were blue and white and of course black. I was so pumped. We all ate. Before I had to dance with everyone I was going to change into a different less puffy dress. But first I had to have the first dance with Calum before I changed. The photographer was up by the dance floor ready to take the pictures. Calum grabbed my hand and took me up to the floor. Everything I want started to play. I just looked at him. I slowly looked what was happening behind me. Luke had the mic and ash sat at his drums. Michael grabbed the guitar. "What no bass?" I said. "Nope this bassist is getting married to the love of his life." He said. "Aww I love you." "I love you too." "So I have something to tell you and you have the right to know as soon as I can tell you so. Well um I haven't had my period in like 2 months." "Ok your irregular." "Yes but it's almost been 3 months and well I should of had it by now." "Okay." "So I was curious and I took a pregnancy test and ....i pregnant." " oh babe." Calum said then lifted me up and spun me in a circle. "This is wonderful how long did you know for?" He asked. "About 2 days so I couldn't drink when we went to my bachelorette party. " "oh that is no fun." "You can't tell anyone ok not yet because it's no a for sure thing you know what I mean." "No ?" "Well the baby could ...well die. And we just need that between us ok?" "Ok." "So um can we wait on the honey moon ?" "Yes I have band stuff to do any ways ." "I can't believe I am really pregnant." I whisper a little soft then we were talking before. " I know. I am so happy. But how did you?" "Probably that time in the shower or on the couch or in bed I don't know." "We have sex a lot." "Yea I wonder who is always starting it or teasing." I glared at Calum who was starting to blush a little. "Okay maybe me." 

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