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Kirstie's POV:

It was time for choir and I was beyond nervous. I was not sure what was about to go down. I walked through the double doors to see Mitch already seated and Scott talking with a group of girls. This was new. Ms.Hopkins looked over at me signaling to go over to her. "Yes ma'am?" "I have never seen them apart. Are they ok dear?" she asked. "I'm not the one who can answer that." I say with a sigh then went to take a seat next to Mitch. "That's where Scott usually sits..." "Have you guys talked at all today?" "Not really." I looked over at Scott as the late bell rang signaling that any student that came in was tardy. This bell is when students start to go to their seats in class. As for Scott he looked hesitant to switch seats but saw me glaring at him, and decided to come over and sit next to me. "Okay, today we are gonna be doing an a capella project. I will assign you in groups and you'll each pick a song off the board." Ms.Hopkins says.

As students were getting put in groups I noticed how she skipped over Mitch's name, then Scott's, and mine. She was gonna put us in a trio. After all the students were called she finally told us that drum roll please... We had to work as a trio and the only song that was left was Telephone by Lady Gaga and Beyonce. We had our work cut out for us.

After choir ended, it was time for lunch. Our usual table that usually held Scott, Mitch, and I now held Scott and 2 whores, Mitch and Travis, and me. "So how was everyone's day?" I tried to say. "So Travis what is it you want to do after graduation?" Scott has been interrogating Travis since he sat here. "I plan on becoming a DJ. I told Mitchie here-" "You do NOT call him that!" I knew this was gonna get ugly so I suggested the girls go while they could. "Scott, calm down. Not here." I had made the mistake of calling Mitch 'Mitchie' one day when weren't as close and Scott went ballistic. Now if I slip up he doesn't care as much, he'll just give me a warning look but this, ohh no this was different. Scott already doesn't like this guy.

"Scoot, it's fine! He didn't know!" Mitch pleaded. "Has he called you it before?" I saw Mitch look down, crap this was getting worse. "HE HAS!?" Scott yelled and got up, earning a few stares. "It's only a name. Why are you acting like this?" Travis spoke up. "Because he was MY friend first. Only I call him that. Got it? ME!" Scott started leaning towards Travis. "Pick something else for him!" "How about boyfriend." My eyes widen, Scott's eyes widen, Mitch's head popped up and looked at Travis. "W-What?" "Yeah, would you wanna be my boyfriend?" Travis asked. My eyes were now fixed on Scott. His face showing all types of emotions, I swear I saw tears forming as he stormed out of the cafeteria. This day had went from bad to worse, how would the rest of the year go?

"Travis, I-I need to think about it!" "Is it because he's mad?" "No. Yes.." Mitch was so torn you could see it on his face. "Go..." Travis said defeated. "Thank you. I promise I'll give you an answer." And with that he was out the door. "Sooo," he looked at me, "You like Mitch?" He nodded. "Just don't fuck up their friendship." I simply say and got up to buy cookies.

Scott's POV:

I had to get out of there before the tears fell. No, I'm not sad. I'm pissed. How could this guy that just came in the picture call him MY nickname I gave Mitch!? How could he come in and just ask Mitch to be his boyfriend in the middle of what was happening?! I bet Mitch said yes... I need to hit something, anything. I looked around frantically and found nothing but lockers and wall. I hit a few lockers. Big mistake. I sat on the ground as the pain shot up through my arm. No wonder Mitch is trying to replace me, I'm dumb. I leaned back into the lockers as I clutched my hand. Boy did this hurt.

"Scott!?" I heard. "Scott! A-Are you okay? What happened?!" Mitch asked. This is why he's my best friend, he's always there for me. "Will you answer me?" "I'm sorry" Was all I could spit out. "Let's get you to a nurse. "Do you like him?" I got the courage to finally ask. "Sorta.." "I just wanna see you happy... If he makes you happy then I approve." I tried to force a smile, but it never came. "...Thanks" he whispered. I was confused. Did he like the asswipe or not!?

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