Roller Coaster

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Scott's POV:

The taste of Mitch's lips intoxicating me. I wanted more. No, I needed more.

I gently pushed him up against my front door then pressed my body to his. I heard him make a throat noise which encouraged me to continue. I let my hands travel down his sides, down to his hips thrusting them forward to me. "Scott..." Mitch said pulling away trying to catch his breath. "W-What?" I looked down at his red swollen lips then back into his eyes. His pupils were dilated. "I don't think we should be doing anything out here..." He said biting his lip. Shit. I went to get my keys but my hands were shaking so bad I dropped them. When I finally got the door open and Mitch inside, I closed the door and pressed Mitch back against it. We were just staring at each other before he let out a "Just do it" and my mouth was back on his and my hands slowly making their way up his t-shirt.

It was around 8 or 9, I'm not sure, but I knew my parents would be in their room doing old people stuff. I wasn't worried about them coming down into the living room, I was more focused on pleasing this beauty in front of me. As I kissed down Mitch's neck, occasionally leaving my mark on him, he let out a soft moan. "Sc-Scott!" He pushed me off of him quickly. "What?" This whole name calling thing keeps messing me up. "Turn..." His wide eyes looking behind me instead of at me. I slowly turned to see my parents and my older sister staring at us.

My eyes stretched as big as the Earth itself. I was not gonna hear the end of this. "H-Hey mom, dad... Lauren... What's up?" "I just came to surprise you from school, but seems like you did all the surprising around here. Hey MG!" my older sister said, clearly amused at the situation, "Care to explain yourself Scott?" My mother said raised an eyebrow. I looked down, how do I explain this? "I really don't know how to. I-It's complicated right now." I saw both my parents sigh and look at each other then back at me, "Scott, go up to your room. We'll be up in a minute." "What about Mitch?" "He'll stay down here with Lauren. Now go upstairs." "Ugh!" I stomped my way up to my room and plopped onto my bed. I thought this day couldn't get any more eventful...

Roller Coaster.

I could only think about how I would explain this whole situation, and what was going on downstairs at the moment.

Mitch's POV:

Everything had been going smoothly until I realized Scott's family was a few feet away. When I made the mistake of moaning that's when they looked over at us. I couldn't believe what had happened all in one day. Like Scott said it was a roller coaster, and this ride had so many twists and turns and ups and downs. Right now we were at a down... Scott's parents told him to go upstairs while I stayed down here. I'm not sure if he'll be in trouble, if I'll be in trouble, or both. I am literally so nervous waiting for Connie and Rick to say something. "A-Am I in trouble?" I say softly. "Lauren. Kitchen." Scott's dad said, and Lauren got up and left us alone. Damn, I kinda wanted a witness in case they planned on murdering me for making out with their son. "So Mitch," Connie started, "What exactly happened that led to this..?" "I- uhm- I'm not even sure myself to be completely honest." "Well, what happened today? Scott had texted us saying he would be over your house because you needed a friend. We noticed you two were not close anymore, so why today?" Rick pestered.

 "You see, some of the story isn't for me to tell, it's your son. All I am capable of saying is that yeah, we weren't close, but something today brought us back together. I had broken up with my first boyfriend after school and Scott was trying to help me feel better. Then Kirstie, who I am also rekindled with, brought up the idea of roller skating which is where we are coming back from btw. But some drama happened there too, so Scott left and I decided to come along. On the way here we were joking around, then we got to the door..." I was silent for a little bit, then spoke back up. "I am not sure what popped into Scott's head but all I know was I am kinda glad it did. Sorry it ended up here though..." "Would it have gone any further?" said Connie, "I honestly don't know." 

"How do you feel about our son?"she said, catching me by surprise. "I-I... Well... He's." I started tripping over my words. I looked up at the blonde duo who were looking at me expectantly. I sighed, and for the second time ever, I fessed up my true feelings towards their son. "I really like him." Their smiles widen and their eyes twinkled, joy. "Aww, for how long sweetie?" "Since we were younger... I-I tried to date Travis because I thought I liked him, but I guess I liked the thought of having someone to call my own and fill Scott's place..." I admitted, more to myself than to them. Rick finally got his voice I'm guessing and spoke up for himself, "I'm proud you could admit that. Now, if anything DOES happen between you two now or even later just make sure you tell us so we aren't caught by surprise... like this..." I couldn't help but chuckle, "Promise." "Okay, now off to talk to Scott. He's probably worked himself up worrying. It's been about 6 minutes now.." Rick mentioned. He was probably scared shitless upstairs just waiting for his 'punishment'. I watched as Lauren came back in the living room while Scott's parents went up to his room.

Now we are up on the roller coaster...

I'm just waiting on that dramatic twist and drop...

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