Coming Clean

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Scott's POV:

It was going on 7 minutes when my parents finally came up to my room. My heart was pounding so hard I thought it'd burst out of my chest.

"Scott, stop pacing sweetie." My mom said as she sat on my bed with my dad. I got my desk chair and sat down then started tapping my foot. "Scott. Your foot." my dad said, annoyed by the sound it was making on the ground. I mumbled a 'sorry' and braced myself for my punishment. "How much trouble am I in? Wait, what did you guys do to Mitch??" I said getting curious. "He's fine. We just talked. He said that something today brought you guys back together, friendship wise anyway, and something about drama at the rink.."

I sighed. I guess it was time to come out for real this time. My parents looked at me with concern in their eyes. "Um. Well. You guys know Naomi... She sorta announced to half the school I was gay... People I considered friends started laughing and whispering things about me. So I left on the verge of tears." "B-But you like girls... You aren't gay? Why would she say such a thing?" My dad got out, completely shocked. "I am gay... When I was younger, you said liking guys was a phase and that I still liked girls so it meant nothing. It wasn't a phase. My attraction is still towards guys, mainly one, but that's besides the point. Since I was gonna be in high school I tried dating girls. I suffered so much. I wasn't happy. I just tried keeping my true self hidden because I was scared I was gonna lose everything I'd gained. And now look what happened, I did." "Scott... You know deep down that's not you." "Rick! If he's gay, he's gay! Let him be happy!" My mom told him. "It's just hard to process. My own son. It's not like it's Mitch or someone else... It's you." "And I still am me! Being gay changes nothing!" I spat back. He only sighed and continued, "Well what happened at the rink?" 

"One of my old acquaintances started saying some unpleasant things and was name calling, so I punched him and left with Mitch." "Did you just say punched? Scott Richard Hoying!" "Mom, before you say anything. He deserved it. You can ask Mitch and Kirstie! I was defending us!" "Us?" my dad said. "He called Mitch and I faggots and kept insulting us." My mom shook her head as my father sighed. "You're just full of the stuff today, aren't ya?" "Dad. It's been a long day and I really don't need anymore criticism, especially from my own father. So please, give me my punishment or your "talk" and let me have my peace." They looked stunned at my sudden attitude, but it wasn't my fault he was being unreasonable and salty. My dad put his head in hands and huffed a big amount of air then looked back at me, "I wasn't trying to upset you, I am just still trying to process everything that has happened tonight. I will still love you no matter who you like. It's all about what makes you happy and what pleases you. I don't want you to be afraid to tell us, your parents, something because you're scared of our reactions. We'll always be here! Oh, and the "talk" is all on your mother." he said with a smirk. "I'll be going now." he got up hugged me then was out the room.

My mom cleared her throat and I turned from the door back to her, "So, you and Mitchell... He explained that he didn't know exactly where tonight would end up. I'm gonna ask you, where was the whole ordeal leading to?" "I don't know either. It originally was a spur of the moment kind of thing. I had to act on an urge and then where ever that led to, I'd honestly be fine with it." I said truthfully. "And what about your friendship? What happens if you boys went all the way and then regretted it the next morning... What if because you felt the need to act upon an "Urge", you mess up a good thing between you guys?" My mom was right, but those are hypothetical. "Those are 'What Ifs' mom. You'll never know unless you try it out for yourself. I mean hey, I'm still growing up, messing up, loosing friends, etc. I know people I talk to now won't stick with me 'til the end, but with Mitch... I know we have something indescribable. Even if we tried the whole dating thing, I know we could still be amazing friends. I mean look at how we went from best friends to nothing back to best friends!" "Sounds like something special, sweetie." "Wh-What??" "I think you guys should try it out when you're both ready since you seem so certain things will be fine regardless!" "Oh.. Okay. T-Thanks.." I was in awe right now. Did she want us to be together? She walked over to my door but suddenly stopped, "And Scotty baby, always, ALWAYS wear protection and give us a warning so we know when to stay in our rooms or go to Mike and Nel's..." then she left. I on the other hand was left jaw left ajar, utterly shocked at my mother. 

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