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Literally in love with Jordan Pruitt's voice all over again!! And the other song Dream is by Miley Cyrus. (Yeah I know throwback Disney lol)


Scott's POV:

As soon as I saw the lights dim I knew I was in for trouble. I looked over to where Genevieve and Kirstie were but they were already heading to an empty table. I turned to my right and saw Mitch still standing next to me. "Y-You wanna skate with me? Not to make you feel uncomfortable or anything." I said nervously, but I saw him smile up at me and then nod his head, "Cool, uh, let's continue on then." I grabbed his hand and rolled from the barricade. Mitch and I had been rolling around the rink all through Waiting for You by Jordan Pruitt still holding hands. As Dream came on, I got to thinking about the lyrics. Both songs made perfect sense to me, but this one actually fit with what goes on inside my head.

Do me a favor

And tell me what you think about me

Tell me how you want this to be

Go out on a limb and just dream.

Mitch had started to hum the familiar song as we made our way around for a third time.

It's like my birthday

Every time you look at me

It's like the best thing

Every time that you dream,

By now I had looked down at our interlocked fingers. As I lifted my head back up I saw he had looked at our hands as well and pulled away. "Sorry." "I-It was fine... I was the one who took it." I simply stated. "But still, that would give people the wrong message anyways Scotty." "I said it-"

"Hey Faggots! You I see you're skating together?" Someone said from behind us. I knew who it was though, Ben, one of my so called friends before what happened earlier at school. "This your boyfriend Scotty? I knew you two were always too close." he said smirking at me. "Why don't you get outta here Ben!" I said trying to stay calm. "I like it here. And besides me and my GIRLfriend are skati g as a couple, ya know because that's the normal thing to do... Date a GIRL." I clenched my jaw and balled my fists, this guy was really asking for it.

"Scott." Mitch said sternly as he put his hand on my shoulder. "Babe, look at that! Now we know who the female is in the relationship! You better listen to her, Scotty." "That's it!" And with that I hit him square in the nose and watched him fumble around on his skates until he fell. "Scott!" "Let's go!" I said rolling away from the crowd that had formed. "Scott, what was that all about?" Kirstie asked as I was pulling off my skates. I ignored her and continued to try to unfasten the other skate. "SCOTT!" Sighing, I looked up at Kirstie, "I'm trying to put my shoes on!" "If you don't tell me what happened over there-" "Ben got to me, okay? Is that good enough?" I said going back to what I was previously doing. "Mitch, why did Scott hit him?" "I-I... Ben said things that were hurtful to him-" "To me? He called US faggots and had the nerve to say that Mitch was the 'girl' in our non-existent relationship! It's taking everything in me not to go back over there, so please let me finish putting my shoes on so I can get out of here." She blinked a couple of times trying to process what I said, "Go..." "Thank you." I bent over and tied my other shoe and got up. "I'll see you all at school." "WAIT." I turned to see Mitch struggling to put his shoes on, hopping on one leg. "Yeah?" "I'm coming with."

Genevieve and Kirstie squealed, for what, I'll never know. I stared back at Mitch, he was nearly done putting on his shoes so I couldn't turn him down now. Once he was done we said our goodbyes to Kirstie and Genevieve, who were already making their way to that worker Kirstie was talking about, we left.

"I sorta had fun today." Mitch spoke up as we were walking to my house. "Sorta?" "Well yeah... We are friends again. I got KitKat back. You kinda got outed in front of everyone and humiliated... I broke up with Travis. My mom almost gave us the sex talk. Then I had an amazing time you guys, including Genevieve, roller skating until that whole Ben thing." He said nonchalantly. "This day has been a roller coaster, hasn't it?" I say laughing. "Pretty much. But I'd do it all over if it means being with you... And Kirstie!" I smirked, he missed me. "Mhm. 'And Kirstie', sure." He scoffed and playfully elbowed me. "Don't get cocky Soy Sauce!" "You don't like my cock...iness?" I busted out laughing when I heard him gasp and hit me in my chest. "SCOTT!" I can't believe you just said that!" He said picking up his pace around the final corner to my house. "MITCH!!" I called out to him, "It was a joke." I said finally catching up to him. "I know. I'm not dumb." "Bu- You.. You're good, yet so bad! Ugh." "I know I am" Mitch said with a suggestive smirk. I couldn't help but stare at his lips. His lips were begging for me to kiss them. I watched as he licked his lips before speaking again, "You gonna open the door, Skid-mark?" "Yeah... A-After I try something." He looked unsure but replied anyways, "Okaaayyy, what is it you're go--" I cut him off mid sentence by pressing my lips against his.

Mitch's POV:

I can't believe he's doing this!


I had plans for this chapter to start off horribly then end even worse, but a comment made me switch it up.

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