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Hey guys, decided to do something a little different. And I actually made up the character this time! Woo! XD So this is a story about a drummer, Harper, and the girl in the cover is ME XD Enjoy!

Harper POV

It started off a normal day... I woke up, fought the battle with my raven hair, failed horribly. I got dressed the way I always do. I walked out of my apartment like I always did. I got in my truck and drove to practice. The concert was that night so we where just touching up a few things. I opened up the garage door and smiled at all my bandmates. They all smiled back except, Nyome. She just kinda nodded, letting me know that she acknowledged my existence.

"Hey girl!" My best friend, Kylee, yelled as she ran up to me. Her bass was still around her, so she didn't hug too tight. I smiled and walked over to my drum set. I pounded the beat of our first song, everyone joined in and we started practicing. Nyome started singing to lyrics to our song, "Never Lettin Go Of This." She wrote it when we first started the band. Jason shred his guitar perfectly during his solo. It went on like that for a solid 5 minutes, and 2 songs later. We stopped and wiped the sweat from our brows.

"Happy Birthday, My Harpy." Jason smiled, shredding his guitar playfully. I leaned over my drums and kissed him sweetly. Nyome snickered and I gave her a confused look.

"Woah, slow down, Grandma. Wouldn't want to turn him on." She snarked. I frowned at her and rolled my eyes.

"Hey don't listen to her, Baby. She's just jealous that she is still 18 and you're now officially 19 years of age." He leaned closer to me and playfully and whispered. "She is also really lonely." He snickered. I giggled and kissed him again. His lip piercing caught on mine and we laughed together.

"Oh don't you worry about me, Jase. I'm gettin my fill of LOVE." She smirked at him wickedly and he swallowed hard. I just sat, confused and completely unaware of the actions behind the smoke. Before I could speak, Jason walked away and started shredding again. This time to one of our covers of, "Cuz I Can." By Pink. I smiled and started to slam down on my drums. Nyome got back up and sang again, while Kylee started playing her bass again.

*Skip To Outside The Gig Location*

I pulled up the gig location and smiled at the crowd we had attracted. I quickly tugged down at my short black, shredded dress and ripped leggings, before I ran in. Nyome frowned when she saw me and Jason gave me a guilty look before walking behind her... That fucking coward. Kylee gave me a saddened look and hid her face in her music. Nyome was the only one to stand tall against me.

"Is something going on?" I asked curiously before looking back at the new long haired band member at my guitar set. He was slamming down on them like a 2 year old, but he looked older then 34. I gave everyone a confused look. The guy at my drums gave me a dopey smile and waved like an idiot.

"Well, what's going ON is that. You're out." She sneered. "It was a 2 to 1 vote that you just don't have it. So you're out. And Mr. Jason, here has something to say to you." She turned her head to the coward standing beside her. He scratched his neck and wiped some sweat off of his forehead.

"Well, Harper, I had to admit this to you... I really...Never liked you. Me and Nyome have been seeing each other the entire time. Kylee begged me to date you when you started self-harming over Jack." He shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck again. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, but they quickly turned into a steaming heap of anger.

"Fine! You know what? Good luck to you without me! I hope that 2 year old breaks your shit!" I screamed in Nyome's face. She snickered and rolled her eyes.

"Yah, yah, yah. Just go, Ok? If you want to stay, go buy a ticket." She laughed. I could feel her taking pleasure in my pain.

"Well, one more thing. Looks like the jokes on you, Jason. Remember that time you wanted to take my V card after the prom? Well if you were with Nyome the whole time then you must have had to beg for her forgiveness. All those PLEAS for it." I made sexual faces and smirked. Nyome's face went red and she scowled at Jason.

"You did what!?" She screamed. His face flushed and he dropped to his knees.

"Please, I didn't mean it, Nyome!" He pleaded.

"We'll talk about it after the show." She scolded, walking into the stage room. I took a deep breathe and walked back to my truck. I couldn't help but break down when I was out of sight.

"Harper!" I heard Kylee scream. "Harper! I didn't vote you out! Please! I'm sorry that this happened! You don't deserve this!" I came out from my hiding place and hugged her tightly, bawling. She hugged me tightly and shushed me.

"I have nothing without that band, that's the only job I've ever had, Kylee! How am I going to pay my rent, my water, my car!" I sobbed harder.

"Hey, it's gonna be ok." She reassured me. "You can stay with me until you get back on your feet." She placed a little key in my hand. "You already know where it is, just go in and make yourself at home. You can bring anything you want. You can stay with me for 2 weeks, but that's when rents due and if my landlord sees you then I'm fucked." She explained. I nodded and wiped my face with my sleeve.

"You're the best, you know that?" I asked, trying to laugh through my tears.

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