Chapter 16

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Double update. (sorry needed a filler to make the time skip less prominent) Enjoy!

Blake POV

My heart was so full I was afraid it might explode. We had gotten free tickets from Kylie to see how bad the band was doing without my baby. We where in the car headed there and I had an evil smirk on my face. I couldn't wait to see those nasty Neanderthals try to make music without my baby. She was already the best, how good could they be? Not at all. We arrived at the club where the gig was and I got Harper out of the backseat. She had on one of the outfits she had brought months ago. I knew I would have to keep her close tonight. I didn't like it one bit, but people are cruel and not everyone takes a grown woman dressed as a 3 1/2 year old little girl lightly. We showed the bouncer our tickets and nodded to let us know we could go in. We walked in holding hands and my grip tightened when I saw her ex. He was completely shitfaced and moaning into the microphone. He spotted us and started towards us, nearly falling off the stage.

"Hey, you." He burped, the smell of booze, potent on his jacket. I almost couldn't stand it until the bitch who insulted my baby before staggered over.

"Jason, we're going on." She mumbled. Looking at Harper with a scowl. I stood in front of her, holding her hand tightly and scowling down at Nyome. She backed down and snatched Jason's arm so he would follow. They entered the stage, man child and Kylie following. Kylie smiled at us and played the cord on her bass. The rest of the concert was absolute garbage, I was almost sympathetic to the drunk bastards. Then I wasn't. Harper couldn't even watch the train wreck, she hid her face in my side and shook her head in disappointment. The band was finally booed off the stage and our ears where free of torture. We left with the rest of them and took the 30 minute drive home. It was everything I hoped it would be. Harper smiled and twirled her hair around her finger.

"Seems like losing you was the worst mistake the made, huh babygirl?" I chuckled. She nodded and blushed.

Sorry this one I short but the next one is a lot longer. Just needed a little filler.

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