Chapter 19

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Harper POV

The sheets where still soaked by morning, I could still feel Blake deep within me but I didnt flinch anymore. I looked down and blinked drearily. I heard a long bear yawn and I looked up at my knight in shimmering sweat. He looked exhausted, but happy. He kissed the top of my head and stroked my hair.

"What are you doing up, Princess?" He rasped. I giggled and messed with his hair a bit. He yawned again and closed his eyes.

"Daddy wake up." I whined. He grunted and pulled me closer to him, deepening him inside of me. I let out a small moan and he chuckled.

"The shoe is on the other foot I see." He smirked. He laid on his back and squinted his sleepy eyes at me. I sat on top of him and tried to stand, legs wobbly and useless. He smirked and ran a prideful hand through his hair. "Yeah, that happens sometimes." He whispered pride fully. I rolled my eyes and tried to roll off but he grabbed the sides of my waists and started to bounce me. I scowled playfully and moved his hands.

"Daddyyyy." I whined. "I'm hungryyyyy and sweatyyyy" I whined between bounces. He finally stopped and sighed, sitting up and carrying me off the bed and to the bathroom.

"Let's get you cleaned up, Princess." He cooed, finally giving in. We climbed in together once the water was right and washed all the sweat and... Other stuff off us from last night. I felt cleaner and less tired afterwards. We dressed and went out for breakfast. Waffle House!! I smiled at how polite the waitresses where...maybe a little too nice but whatever. I asked for coffee but Daddy must have changed it later because I got orange juice. I frowned at him and he shrugged playfully. A few little kids gave me glazed over looks, like they had just seen a unicorn. Until one little girl walked over to me. She waved my face down and cupped her hand around my ear.

"Are you a real Princess?" She whispered. I raised an eyebrow and looked at myself. I remembered who I used to be. The hair that was never washed, rough and nappy was...soft and curly. The clothes that where torn and short, replaced with a flowery white dress. Daddy even managed to sneak a sparkly tiara on my head when he was doing my hair. 

With my Princess necklace sparkling against the sun

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With my Princess necklace sparkling against the sun. I smiled down at her and leaned back down, cupping my hand to her ear. "He thinks I am, but I think he's a little crazy." I whispered, pointing playfully at Blake. His eyebrow shot up and the two of us giggled. The little girl left with her family and waved goodbye on the way out. I waved back and Blake gave me a funny look when I turned back around.

"What was that all about?" He asked, sipping his coffee. I smiled and placed my hand on top of his.

"Oh nothing." I giggled in response. He smiled and rolled his eyes. When out food showed up I squealed. He had gotten me chocolate chip waffles! My favorite! Daddy frowned down at his eggs compared to my waffles.

"Hey, Baby look!" He yelled, pointing towards the door. I turned to look and saw him take a bite out of my waffles. I smirked at turned back around. He shut his mouth quickly and shrugged. "Guess it was nothing." He managed to get out through his mouthful. And I'm supposed to be the little? I smiled and finished my waffles, giving him a few bites here and there. We laughed and Daddy paid for our meal. We walked out the door with his arm and jacket draped over my shoulders. We headed to the car and got in. He buckled me up in the back and kissed both of my cheeks before hopping in the drivers seat. We started off and stopped at a stop sign a few blocks from the house. There where no other cars and after a few seconds we started. Out of nowhere a semi lost control of it's load and the back came swinging toward us as we pulled out it crashed into the front of the car... 

The world stopped, everything happened so fast that if felt so slow

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The world stopped, everything happened so fast that if felt so slow. The glass flew from the front window and Daddy's head thrashed back. I screamed and covered my head with one hand, reaching for Daddy with my other. Tears rolled down my face until it all stopped. Our car was on the side of the road and the little car sped away, only slightly damaged. I reached for Daddy screaming, praying he was ok. I found his phone on the floor and dialed 911.

"911, what is your emergency?" I heard a woman answer, calmly. My voice was soft and weak. Her became slightly more aware. "Hello?! Ma'am are you hurt?" I heard her yell. I couldn't speak and I looked down to see a piece of glass lodged into my side. The woman was panicked. "I need a track on this phone immediately! Ma'am please stay with me, help is on the way..." Her voice echoed in my head and my eyes rolled back. I don't remember anything after that.

I woke up in a hospital not far from home. I looked around, no one else was in my room this time. I didn't like it. There was plenty of 'Get well soon' and 'Hope you feel better' stuff around me. I probably got like 10 new stuffies from Vic alone. I was sad I didn't see my Daddy. They had changed me out of my dress and a bandage covered where the glass impaled me. The only thing they let me keep was my necklace. I held it tight in my hand and looked around the white room again. A nurse walked in and smiled a fake smile.

"Oh good, you're up." She cheerfully cooed. "Mrs. Terrance, we are dreadfully sorry about the accident. All of us send our deepest regrets. If you need anything, please feel free to buzz." She left on that note with a tray of food in her hand. I smiled at how she though me and Blake where married. Maybe then she'll keep her hands off. I thought. Vic stormed in and looked at me with relived eyes. He was weary and tired. He kneeled at my bedside and ran a hand through his hair.

"Thank god you're OK, Kiddo." He whispered, he chocked back a sob. "They won't let us see him." His eyes started to water and so did mine. We both knew who he was taking about.

"Is he alright?" I asked, starting to sob. Vic shrugged and started to tear at his hair. I bit my lip trying not to cry when he said he couldn't cry in front of me. He left the room to go cry with Clem. I was alone again.

The picture credits go to the owners and creators, I just made the collage. I hope you are ready for more because the 200 vote instant update is just around the corner! Thank you all so much for your support! Love you all! Leave me lost of comments and I will respond to any questions!

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