Chapter 29

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I decided to update this story and just a bit about me lol. I dyed my hair blue, I got a new phone and I made all A's on my progress report! So I hope you enjoy this chapter and leave me lots of comments and send me lots of DM's cause I will read and reply to both. Leave a vote if you like it and Share with all of your friends. Whomsoever's Pinterest, Tumblr, or Instagram post I find with this shared  with the hashtag #Project:LittleContest gets to be added to a chapter and meet Harper and Blake! I love you all and Thank you for reading!

Jasmine POV

The week was dragging it's feet and I loved every moment. Any little sneer Harper would flash me gave me joy, I knew I was getting to her. Blake was just so attractive, I knew that he was utterly devoted to Harper but that doesn't mean I didn't have a shot. At least that's what I thought. When I heard him fucking her I immediately decided I needed a plan.

It was after nap time ended that Blake and Harper came to get me. Harper smiled sweetly and attempted to fix her ratchet hair, while Blake straightened his amazing shirt. I bit my lip when I saw how sweaty he still was. If he would just wait 2 years then I'd be all over him.

We all went downstairs and Blake started a movie, Snow White, I pretended to be excited when I plopped myself in between them on the couch. This lifestyle was stupid but it gave me an excuse to act like an airhead. It was annoying to watch how in depth Harper was into it.

"Daddy can we has popcown pwease?" Harper lisped through her pink binkie. Blake nodded and kissed her forehead, getting up and walking towards the kitchen. I frowned and snatched it from her mouth. Her eyes started to water and she reached for it, whining. I rolled my eyes and kept it away from her, even putting it in my own mouth. It tasted minty and nice, still didn't like it though. Her high pitched whining filled the room.

Before I knew it, Blake was rushing in and holding Harper in his arms. He scowled at me and held his palm out to my mouth. I rolled my eyes far back and spit out the binkie. Blake cringed at how much I had spit into his hand and walked with Harper to the kitchen. Once they where out of earshot I let out a loud groan. I picked up a thin, long, brown book from the table and opened it to the first page. I was a picture of Blake and Harper kissing. I gagged and flipped to the next page. It was overly filled with glitter and photos of them in different places. I tilted my head back and peeked into the kitchen.

When I saw that they where still giggling and watching the popcorn pop I started to blindly tear the pages.

"Oops" I whispered, giggling to myself. The popcorn machine finally stopped popping and I could tell that they where getting it ready. I tore the last few pages sloppily, shoving them back in after I was finished. I set it back where I found it and then sat back up on the couch. They walked back in, giggling and eating their popcorn.

"Here you go, Jazzy." Harper giggled, handing me my own little bowl. I looked at her confused then tasted it. I looked up at her in awe. My eyes watered a bit when I found out she had made my favorite popcorn, mix-ins and all without me even asking. I immediately felt a wave of guilt and bit my lip in remorse.

"Th-thank you." I replied. Her smile seemed to brighten the room even more.

"Well, I know we haven't been the best of friends this week and I've felt bad, you're leaving now tomorrow and I haven't been nice. So we wanted to give you something to remember us by, just so you know you always have a friend." I shook my head and tears started to flow from my eyes. My heart broke from how sweet she was when she had every right to be mean to me and hate me. Blake handed a small box to her and she handed it to me. I opened it and found a little macaroni necklace with a picture of her and Blake on it.

"Thank you so much." I started bawling. Harper hugged me and I cried even more. I was filled with regret and I couldn't even believe I had done so much to try and ruin her and Blake. She handed me a little purple binkie and smiled.

"It always made me feel better when I was sad; since you liked my pink one I wanted to give you this one so maybe one day when you get a Daddy you'll have something from us to help you." Her kindness made me melt in her arms and I started to suck on the binkie. My tears slowed and my breath started to calm. Harper smiled and picked up the book again. "Look, we have a picture book I made of all of our adventures and I wanted to show it to you."

"No!" I tried to protest, it came out lisped and she opened the book to its torn pages. You could see her heart sink from the look in her eyes. Blake's eyes went to panic and maybe even a bit watery. Harper looked at me with her big green eyes watering and her lips quivering.

"Why, Jazzy?" She whimpered. Her voice sent a shot through my heart and my eyes watered again.

"I-I'm sorry." I tried to explain, reaching for her. She shook her head and threw the torn book across the room. She shook her head frantically and started screaming. She ran up the stairs. Blake shot me a look and rushed up the stairs after her.

"Harper it's ok, we can fix it, Princess!" He called.

"No! I can't do it anymore! Blake Gregory Terrance she has to go!" She screamed. My heart broke a bit more with every scream. She had never called Blake by his first name. My crying started fill the house along with Harper's.

It wasn't long before I was just sitting in pure panic, after Blake broke down the door upstairs they started having a regular tone conversation. I sat watching Snow White on repeat, sucking on the paci that Harper gave to me. I jolted up when I heard their footsteps coming down the stairs. Harper was defiantly not in little space anymore. She walked on her own with her head down in disappointment. She hadn't been scolded, she was disappointed in me.

I took the paci out and held it at my side. Blake exhaled through his nose loudly and stepped towards me. He cleared his throat and rubbed his knuckles.

"Jasmine, the last few days have been very difficult. Honestly you caught us by surprise and I don't think that any of us are ready to be together in a room after the week we've had." His words weren't stern but they cut like a knife. I nodded to let him that I understood.

"I-I'm really sorry. I w-wanted to make it up to you so I-i tried to fix your book. It's not what it was before, but I did try. I'd like you to see it." I walked into the living room and picked up what I had scavenged. I walked back and held up what I had made.

It was a collage of all of their pictures that where in the book. It didn't have as much glitter but I did the best I could with magazine letters and glitter glue. Harper lifted her head and I could see her eyes light up a bit. She walked closer and touched the board. I bit my lip and pulled it below my face.

"It's not much, but I did my best to fix what you had made. What you two have here is perfect and I'm sorry for all the trouble I've brought you. I hope you'll be able to forgive me some day. I think this is the first step for me to forgive myself too." I made what I could of a smile and Harper's sweet smile returned. I swear her heart is made of pure gold.

"It's beautiful, Jazzy." She whispered. My eyes watered and I hugged her tightly. Blake let out a sigh of relief and leaned against the wall.

"Thank god." He whispered.

Well I hope you guys enjoyed this longer chapter, don't forget about our contest cause you might just be the next character I add, share on social media with the hashtag #Project:LittleContest leave me lots of comments and dms and I will reply ❤️. Thank you all for reading and leave a vote maybe? 😂💕 I love you all and the next chapter will be soon hopefully!

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