Chapter 4

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Never Forget Those Who died To 9/11 and I would really like to dedicate this chapter to all the people who are hurting inside from loss or even just a personal connection to the Twin Towers and I am sorry about the late updates lately but teachers have just been shoveling homework into my arms I hope you don't hate me TOO much but I will respect a little. I would appreciate a few comments hear and there and maybe some votes? This is the second most popular book in my writing so far and I'm glad you like it. Sorry, I blabber forever. So here is the next chapter. Share, Vote, Comment, and most Importantly READ. Love you guys, Enjoy.

Blake POV

My Baby and I walked outside to the car once I had finished getting her ready, she slightly in my arms because she was giggling uncontrollably. I smiled and tickled her more, I could feel her delicate hands push my hands away but I just continued until we reached the car. I sat her in the back and walked around to the drivers side.

"Baby, is your Sippy cup full enough before we leave?" I asked looking at her silver sippy cup in the cup holder on her car seat. She nodded and smiled at me. I could tell that even if she wasn't used to it yet, or even if she was unaware of it she was falling at least a little into Little Space. I pushed in my key and turned the engine, careful not to hit the curb as I exited my driveway. We were on our way.

Harper POV

I still wasn't sure of how I felt here. I knew that I wasn't being bad because I didn't want punishment. Deep down I could feel another reason though. I wasn't sure what it was but it had something to do with a warmness that seemed to wrap itself around me in my dreams or even when I just close my eyes around Blake. It is soft and warm, like the heat from a warm blanket that smelt like happiness and comforted me as I fell deeper into it. Like a warm kiss that was just waiting for me. I felt vulnerable though when I woke up or I wasn't around Daddy, I mean Blake. That's what I meant. Whatever it was I would snap out of it when he wasn't around so it would wear off when I left...right? I was GOING to leave, there was no question. I wouldn't dare stay, as this kinky sex toy for this, this...caring, sensitive, strong, warm, gorgeous, WHAT? I need to get out this is a creepy guy who went to a fucking AUCTION to BUY a woman! I should be disgusted. I MEAN I AM.

"Pumpkin, you can sleep on the way there, I'll wake you when we arrive." Daddy, I MEAN Blake said. He wasn't winning me over like he thought he was. I accidently gave him a sharp glare and he turned in his seat to swat at my thigh. I frowned and rubbed where he swat. "You don't make ugly faces at Daddy, understand, Harper?" He stated firmly. For some reason my eyes started to water and I felt myself slip a little deeper into that warm blanket. My lip quivered a bit as a tear rolled down my cheek. I sniffled and gave Daddy, BLAKE. An apologetic look.

"Yes, Daddy." I sniffled out pathetically. His face softened and he rubbed my thigh where he had swat it.

"It's OK, Baby Girl, Daddy just doesn't want his Princess to disrespect him." He cooed. I sniffled slightly and felt a small smile spread across my cheeks. I wasn't falling for him though. Never. I felt my eyes get heavy and I fell asleep in my car seat.

Blake POV

I knew I'd make some progress with her quickly, and the day hasn't even begun yet! The first step will be to show her that she only needs me and that people who aren't in our family or close friend relationships wouldn't understand. I mean, YOU try walking into a movie theater with a 19-21 year old woman on your hip calling you Daddy. Can't do it can you? Exactly. The first step was to at least show her that she is safe with me. We arrived at the mall and I stopped the car, people where already looking in at my sleeping Baby. I know this exercise is to teach her but if anyone says shit I'll still beat there ass.

"That's a chick dude!" I heard two fuckboys whisper to each other. "She sure is hot though." The other whispered back. I decided to spare there lives for now, cause I'm just that nice. They didn't go without warning though.

"Excuse you, but that is my girlfriend and if I see either one of you look in her direction again I will shove my foot so far up your ass that you will taste the dirt on my shoe." I growled. Both of them backed down immediately and started walking away. I sneered at them and walked over to the side where my Baby was sitting. I unbuckled her and lifted her out of the seat. She grunted slightly and her eyes fluttered open. She let out a small yawn and looked around with sleepy eyes.

"Where are we, Daddy?" She asked sweetly. I smiled and pushed some hair out of her face.

"We're at the mall Baby Girl." I whispered to her. Her eyes shot open and her head darted left and right.

"What do you mean we're at the mall?!" She asked with a hint of fear in her voice. "My friends and old Bandmates can't see me like this. We have to leave!" She screamed frantically. I simply stood there, waiting for the proper way for her to address me. She corrected her herself when she realized I wasn't paying attention to her. "Daddy, can we pwetty pwease not go to the mall." She asked in her Baby voice.

"No Baby, we have to get you new clothes." I said flatly as I reached in to grab her diaper bag. Her face pinked with embarrassment. This wasn't the worst though. After a few minutes of walking around, she got used to the confused looks from strangers. We where making progress. Then the unthinkable happened.

"Harper?!" A young woman's voice called from behind us. I turned with my Baby on my hip to see a girl who looked like the daughter of Medusa holding hands tightly with a boy who needed a haircut badly. A man-child followed close behind them.

"Nyome, Jason, What are you guys doing here?" She stuttered out. The young boy referred to as Jason gave her an angry look and the young woman, Nyome just laughed. I frowned at both of them.

"It's a public place, dipshit, why are you here with Captain Dad here? Where's the kid? OH YAH YOU ARE IT HUH?" Nyome cackled. I raised my eyebrow and some of the other bystanders pretended not to see us. I could have sworn to you that my Princess would have burst out crying...If this where any other Little. But of course I got the untrained ex-punkrock Drummer. And damn does she have a sailor mouth.

"How about you shut the fuck up, Skank?" Harper yelled, pushing away from me so she could stand. After I set her down it was as if I had just unleashed a pitbull from it's leash. "How about you learn to keep your man and yo stank ass pussy to yoself. Cause guess what? This guy right here is my Daddy D-A-D-D-Y I am in a DDLG relationship with a sweet guy who actually gives a flying fuck about me. Tell Jason you're gonna jump off a building and he'll say 'Ok, have fun.' This guy right here, his name is Blake Gregory Terrance and he actually gives a shit about me. So much that he spent 55 thousand dollars on me! So how about you go enjoy that 2 buck souvenir that Jason got you from that thrift store and get the fuck out of my face before I catch one of your diseases. Thank you good bye, Hoe." She finished with a small smile and walked back over to me. After Nyome stormed off I gave Harper a swat on her bottom, you're gonna pay for that later. I whispered to her. She frowned and I kissed her cheek. We spent the rest of the day shopping in baby stores for her, she even picked out a few things for herself. We where defiantly getting somewhere in this, I might just have my Baby Girl forever.

SLAY HARPER! DAAAAYYYYYUUUUMMMM!!! Anywhore I'm sorry again this was late but it is getting decently popular. Lets have the bar set at 10 Votes and 5 Comments for a chapter update! (That means once it hits that I will update faster) SO I LOVE YOU ALL VOTE, COMMENT BELOW, SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY READ THIS PEICE OF SHIT OR I WILL BE SAD ASF BAIIIIIII ALSO FOLLOW MY FRIEND _Larry_Mashton_ I HOPE YOU ALL LOVE HER AND WHILE YOU'RE AT IT YOU COULD LIKE FOLLOW ME BUT IT'S WHATEVS. BAII FR THIS TIMEEEEEEEEE

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