Chapter 20

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Happy Valentines Day! I hope you don't hate me too much because this wont be a mushy lovey dovey Valentine update. Thank you guys for all of your support! Don't forget to share with friends and vote, the more comments you leave, the more questions I have to answer <3 Enjoy this chapter, Love yah! 

 Harper POV

I slammed my fist against the call button for my nurse, throwing my head back in screeching pain. A few came running in and calmed me down from my hysteria. I grabbed one's wrist and tugged her face down towards mine. I growled in her ear in my hot sweat. 

"I. Must. See. Him." I screeched, my whole body recoiling in pain. It physically hurt to be away from him. My heart was aching, my lungs burned from my screaming, and my eyes where scorching from the tears that tore down my face like lava. I thrashed so roughly in my bed it took even more doctors to hold me down while they gave me a sedative. The world blurred and I ground my teeth while I watched the nurses calm once they saw me getting drowsy. My grip loosened on the nurse I had a death grip on and I whispered the same words under my breath. Then everything went black. 

The noises around me sounded familiar. I opened one of my heavy eyes, expecting to see my doctor instead seeing two of the worst humans on earth. Who let them in? I reached for my call button slowly but felt a firm grip on my wrist. 

"No need for that." I heard a male voice coo. I could have vomited in my mouth. My eyes lightened and I saw them. Nyome and Jason. I growled and they simply chuckled. 

"Oh look at the poor little thing. All woken up from her wittle nap." I heard Nyome coo. I could feel the numbness in my arm slacken a bit. I wiggled my fingers, clenching and un-clenching my fists. I heard Nyome tisk. She sat near my legs and took my scarred arm in her hand. "Such a shame that this is part of my plan." She chuckled. Before I could say a word she took a hard bite out of my arm. I let out a loud scream and threw my head back in a screeching pain. My arm bled a good amount before she released, wiping her mouth with a nearby towel. Nurses came rushing in, hysterically asking what happened. 

"She woke up and was violent, she took a good chunk out of her arm and tried to get at Nyome. We weren't able to get her down." Jason calmly stated. I screamed and thrashed in pain, barely able to hear him over the panicked nurses trying to sedate me.

"We'll be sure to send you on your way with sedates for her..." Everything faded to black after that. 

I could feel my body jostling around as I started to come to. I looked up to see Jason carrying me into his apartment. I could smell the rankness of it from a mile away. Oh wait, that might have been Nyome's crusty pussy. I let out a short laugh and they looked down at me, their faces sour and cruel. 

"Just get her in and set her up. I have to get back. I'll see you in phase 3, baby." Nyome ordered, placing a forced kiss on Jason's lips. "And remember. Don't hold back." I could hear the smirk saturating her voice. I had to force myself not to squirm in his weak, bony arms. And like that, I disappeared from the face of the earth. Never to be seen, unless suspicion arose. I closed my eyes and prayed I wouldn't be there long.

Blake POV

"Sir? Sir, are you awake?" I heard someone calling to me. My lids opened to blackness. 

"Turn on the light would you?" I groaned, reaching my arm up to rub my eyes. 

"Sir, that's what I came to tell you about. Well, let's just say the... The lights are on sir." The doctor stuttered as if he where nervous. I felt my eyebrow shoot up and my head turn from side to side. 

"You're joking. I'm sure my eyes are open." I growled, I tried to sit up, only to be greeted by a shooting pain everywhere. I laid back and heard the doctor clear his throat.

"Well sir, the crash has ridden you with temporary blindness." He managed to get out. I gripped the sheets to my bed and took in long breaths, trying to calm myself down. My heart started beating even faster and I shot up like a rocket.

"Harper! Where is she! You have to take me to her! Is she alright!?" I started to feel around for support so I could get off the bed. The doctor rushed over and settled me down.

"She is fine, just fine. She just got out of her care unit, some friends picked her up. She should be on her way back any..." A slam interrupted him mid sentence. 

"Oh Baby! I missed you! You look awful!" She sounded awful, I hoped that she was alright and the crash didn't hurt her too bad.' Baby' was suspicious though, I reached out to her and ran my fingers against her face. Her usually smooth face was course and greasy. I cringed a bit but I couldn't blame her. I probably wasn't a runway model then either. 

"What happened? Are you alright, Princess?" I cooed, trying to sound calm. 

"Oh Baby, you don't have to worry about me. I'm worried about you." She cooed back. "Is there anything, I need to do to help him?" The doctor was silent for a few moments.

"Just give him these eye drops every hour, on the hour for about a month. If his sight doesn't return by then...I'm afraid we might have to send him into surgery." I heard the doctor search through an assortment of things before pulling something out and dropping it into my angel's hand. 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." She brushed off. "When can we go home?" She asked. The doctor ruffled some papers before responding confused.

"Well, he is good to go by the end of the day if our test's go well. If not then I'm sure the nice young man who came to see him will gladly take you home." 

"NO!" She screamed. I frowned, she knew not to argue, especially with strangers. "You listen here old man, I'm taking him home no matter what. And I don't want that other guy to take me home!" I scowled and swatted at my Baby's hand.

"We do NOT talk like that!" I scolded. She recoiled and by her breathing I could tell her mouth was wide open. She stormed out of the room and it slammed behind her. I scowled and looked into my blackness. What had gotten into her?

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