Chapter 27

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Double update thanks to 4K reads and over 300 votes! I appreciate you all so much and thank you to all of you guys who keep leaving me comments I love reading them ❤️

Blake POV

The first three days where defiantly rough. Jasmine and Harper where always at each other's throats.

"Daddy I'm not hungry anymore." Harper pouted, pushing her plate of mashed potatoes away. I frowned and set down my fork. I walked over and sat in the chair next to her highchair.

"But Princess you love your tatos." I cooed, pushing her plate back towards her. Jasmine giggled and kicked her legs. The second day she was here she decided that she liked the DDLG lifestyle and insisted on trying it while she was here. She sat in Harper's old highchair and got more potatoes on her face than in her mouth.

"I done!" Jasmine announced, holding up her clean plate. I smiled slightly and took the plate out of her hands. She smiled proudly and cocked an eyebrow over at Harper when she thought I wasn't looking. Harper immediately pulled her plate back and started eating as fast as she could. I dropped Jasmine's plate in the sink and rushed over to her.

"Princess stop!" I yelled, trying to calm her down. She shoved her plate to the ground and started pouting. I took her out of her highchair and hugged her tightly. Jasmine cleared her throat to hide a laugh and then started to kick the back of her seat. 

"Blake! I wanna get out now!" She whined, trying to pull the attention back to her. I sighed and placed Harper on my hip while I undid the tray table and buckle strap for Jasmine's highchair. She jumped down and walked towards the living room. I followed and set a still pouting Harper on the couch.

"Jasmine I think it's time for your guy's nap." I affirmed in my Daddy voice. Harper stood up and wiped the pout off of her face. She grabbed my hand and nodded.

"Ok Daddy" Harper replied. Jasmine sighed and stood up, reaching her hand out for my other one. Harper scowled and even growled a bit. I cocked an eyebrow at her and she sighed, her pout returning. I grabbed Jasmine's wrist for good measure and walked them both up the stairs. We entered one of the guest bedrooms and I let go of their hands to grab a blanket out of the closet.

"Have fun Harper." I heard Jasmine giggle. I rolled my eyes and heard another growl from Harper. I laid out the blanket on the bed and grabbed Jasmine's hand. She started to whine. "No!" She screamed. "I'm scared of being alone!" Her eyes started to water and I let out a deep breath from my nose.

"I'm sorry but this is the only extra bed that I don't fear Harper will tie your hair to the baseboard. I think it will be a nice temporary room for you instead of the couch in my bedroom with Harper and I." I mumbled through gritted teeth. Jasmine whined so loud she couldn't hear me.

"Sleep with Blakey! Sleep with Blakey!" She screamed. I shook my head and tightened my grip on her wrist.

"Now Jasmine you need to calm down and get in this bed for your nap. You will not be sleeping with me. Not only is that illegal but that would be disrespectful for you to do to my Princess. You will be sleeping in here and I will hear nothing else of this or I will call the foster agency." My Daddy voice defiantly silenced her and she hopped into bed as fast as she could. I gently placed the blanket on her, closed the curtains and walked Harper and I out of the room so she could sleep.

"Come on Daddy." Harper sighed, grabbing my hand and tugging me towards her room. I shook my head and scooped her up in my arms.

"I don't think napping is the best use of our time." I chuckled. She giggled in return and started to pepper my face with her sweet soft lips. I sighed with relief and started to return her kisses. It turned more passionate and deep as I started to stumble into my room. Her hands tangled in my hair and we tumbled onto the bed. My hands started to roam and hers where glued in my hair. Then out of nowhere she whispers in the deepest voice in my ear,

"Seduction complete. Proceeding procreation." Our laughs rung throughout the house and it only died down when we started kissing again. Her giggling still vibrated my lips.

Suddenly we heard a loud pitch whining, "Blakey!" Jasmine screamed. "I need some water, please!" I sighed and face palmed. Harper frowned and I gave it a quick peck.

"5 minutes, I'll be right back. And if you are still wearing underwear I'm going to tear them off and make sure they are never seen again." I chuckled, standing up and fixing my hair just a bit.

"Promise?" She cooed, biting her bottom lip. I nodded and quickly jogged out of the room. I ran down the stairs, grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and sprinted back up. Jasmine was waiting, sitting up in her bed. She smiled when she saw me walk in and cocked an eyebrow at me.

"Someone's been having fun." She giggled, doing her best to act seductive. I rolled my eyes and set the water next to her.

"Sleep. Now. No moving." I firmly stated. I shut the door behind me and sprinted back into the room. I slammed the door behind me and tore my shirt off. Harper giggled and hugged me tightly when I jumped back into the bed. I started to kiss her beautiful body. Every inch covered in her battle scars, every inch perfect.

"Please daddy, I need you." She moaned when I started kissing her breasts. I clutched her ass tightly and started to tease her a bit.

"Who belongs to Daddy and only Daddy?" I growled with longing, seeing the brand on the side of her leg.

"I do daddy." She moaned when I kissed her core. I gently licked and sucked, causing her to moan louder with every movement.

"That's right." I chuckled. "All mine." She giggled and started to kick off my pants.

Mwahahaha no smut for you. I'm tired RN the chapter might be a little short but it is a double update so I will do my best. Please leave a comment and a vote. Share it with friends and I will update faster! Love you all!

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