Chapter 22

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Blake POV

Time has slipped away from me. I knew one thing for sure though. I knew that Harper wasn't giving me those eye drops as much as I needed them. I gave her time but once she hadn't given me it for three days I knew something was up. I'm headed into surgery because 'the eye drops didn't work' Harper wished me luck and left me in the room. Something had been off the last month. She spent less time with me and always had a sour tone when she spoke. She was so getting a spanking when I got out of surgery! The doctors swarmed around me like I was gold and spoke like I was glass. I could smell the potent stench of anesthesia and I fell into a deep sleep. I just prayed they knew what they where doing. 

"Sir, Sir, how do you feel?" I heard a mumble of words that didn't make sense. I opened the lids of my eyes to still find darkness. I frown spread across my sleepy face.

"How long have I been out?" I grumbled. More words I didn't understand, more mumbling noises. 

"About a week sir." He responded finally. I sighed and touched the bandages over my eyes.

"This comin off or?" I mumbled.

"Oh of course Sir!" He yelped as if I had just slapped him into a state of understanding. The sound of scissors near my face made me feel super uncomfortable and I almost just flinched away. The bandages fell away and I opened my eyes to the light. It was blurry at first but the shapes adjusted and I could make out the doctor's physic. I smiled, gratefully. The doctor looked astonished and started to clap his hands like a school girl. He was an older man with a bushy white mustache and a toupee atop his head. I raised an eyebrow and he cleared his throat, straightening his coat. 

"Is she here?" I asked, still a bit hoarse. The doctor cocked an eyebrow at me too and then opened his mouth in realization. 

"Of course, Miss Wyatt." He smiled. I nearly choked on my own spit when I heard it. I leaned forward and ran a hand through my hair.

"You meant to say Cassandra, right? O-or even Terrance?" I asked, pleading that he had said it wrong. I looked up and he shook his head, obviously confused. I sighed in defeat and dragged a hand down my face. "Bring her in." I growled.

"Sir I really think you need to rest. Unnecessary levels of stress could be harmful." I blatantly ignored him and pointed to the door.

"Get. Her. Now!" I screamed in my Daddy voice. The doctor scurried out of the room and started to scream at the nurses to direct the bitch to my room. I closed my eyes and laid back down, as if to portray it didn't work.

"You called, Baby?" I heard a familiar voice coo. Her ass weighed down the end of the bed when she sat down. I had to hold in a growl and the urge to lash out.

"You know, I've been wondering Princess, What's with the new name for me?" I cooed as realistically as I could. I peeked one of my eyes open to see her face drop. I knew it wasn't my baby and she knew too. I opened both my eyes to see Nyome, my baby's worst enemy. I sat up and she flinched away.

"N-no reason. Say, they didn't f-fix your eyesight by chance, did they?" She stuttered. I growled and nodded my head slowly. My face was cold and firm. 

"Where. Is. She?!" I shouted at the top of my voice. The bed shook and some nurses outside scurried away. I grabbed a chunk full of her greasy hair and tugged so she would look at me.

"Do what you want, but you won't get her back until we want you to have her!" She shouted back. I could tell she was still scared, but she put on a good show. 

The doctor came rushing back in and my grip loosened on her hair. The doctor handed me some paperwork and ushered her out. I filled it out and they released me from the hospital later that day. 

That was weeks ago... I still haven't seen my Babygirl. I have a little under a military swat team scouring for her. My heart breaks a little more every day we're apart.

Harper POV

The beatings got brutal. I have been introduced to a flogger and we have a mutual hatred for each other. I've grown more timid and when Jason enters the room, I've gotten into the habit of bowing at his knees. My hands are constantly shaking. I can barely remember life before this, before all of the beatings, the rape, the torture...

Jason says I'm leaving soon, but he has always said that. I turned my head up to look at the ceiling. It was cracked and broken...I guess like me. The door opened and I closed my eyes, bracing for impact. 

"Up, Bitch." I heard Nyome sneer. I lifted my head and looked at her. She gave me a smirk and walked over. "Just as feeble minded as I remembered. Come on." She cooed, unlocking my shackles and guiding me up. We walked through the house for a bit and entered the kitchen. She pointed at the floor and I fell to my knees. Jason walked over and pet the crown of my head.

"Tomorrow is a very special day." He cooed. I cringed, was it flogging day already? My eyes started to water and Jason gave me a hard slap. "None of that!" He warmed. I nodded and wiped my eyes. 

"You are going home." Nyome smiled. I looked up at them, confused.

"H-Home?" I whispered. They nodded and smirked. "Th-thank y-you." I whispered gratefully. 

"Get dressed, Slut. You leave in the morning." Jason ordered. I nodded and scampered away. I ran to my room and saw my old clothes sitting on the floor. My eyes started to water and I picked up an actual pair of panties. I put them on and held my waist tightly, holding in the urge to cry tears of joy. I placed the bra on and I had never been so happy to feel the pinch on my back. The soft cloth of my clothes was a bit comforting. I let out a single tear and rubbed up and down my bruised arms. I even was given a hair-tie to put my hair in a sloppy bun. Jason and Nyome emerged and smirked at me. I looked up at them with sad eyes and wiped away my tear. 

"Bed time." Nyome ordered, holding out her hands for me to put my wrists in. I nodded and slowly placed my wrists in her hands. She re-shackled me to the wall and left me there. I was left alone to stay in the horrid room one last night. 

I sped through the terrible suffering chapters cause im a pussy ass bitch and I can't deal with writing them.

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