Chapter 17

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Blake POV

The morning light tore through the curtains and I looked down at my beautiful baby in my arms. Her face painted with an unforgettable smile. I kissed her soft lips, to my surprise she kissed me back. I looked down at her little smirk and chuckled.

"Busted." I yawned. She giggled and snuggled deeper into my chest. "It's time for breakfast, Princess." I whispered, struggling to escape her death grip on me. I got up and stood at the end of the bed, waiting patiently for her to get her cute little butt up.

"Daddy..." She whimpered, patting the place where I had lain. I chuckled and snatched the blanket from the bed. She frowned and curled up in a little ball.

"Come on Princess. There is a full day of adventure ahead of us!" I exclaimed, the day I had was perfect, all leading up to the perfect night. We had been dating for months and it was finally an anniversary worth celebrating. I was planning to make it the best one yet, considering I missed my baby's birthday to that trash can who dumped her. I growled at the thought and Harper finally started to stir.

"Fine. I'll get up, but there is no way I'm getting dressed!" She pouted, snatching the blanket from my hand and wrapping herself in it. "Don't think I forgot what day it was either!" She yelled from down the hall. I smirked and ran up behind her to grab her behind.

"Oh really? And what day would that be?" I raised a suspicious eyebrow and she just returned a smirk.

"Our 4 month anniversary, Daddy." She cooed. "It has been four months since you adopted me and brought me here." She stopped and turned to me, small tears welling up in her eyes. "They have been the best four months of my life." She let out a small sniffle. I hugged her tightly, kissing the crown of her head.

"I'm just sorry I didn't rescue you sooner, my beautiful princess." I whispered tenderly.

"You came as fast as any man would come for a broken girl." She whispered back, voice cracking a bit. My eyes burned with tears of how low she thought of herself. I couldn't bring myself to let go of her but she released and headed towards the kitchen. I trailed behind her and sat her in her high chair. Her eyes fluttered and looked purposely around the room until she saw the living room. Her eyes weld with tears again, she sat up and covered her mouth with her hands. The living room was filled with gifts I had gotten for her and had Vic bring over. I heard a small scream escape her lips.

"See something you like, my love?" I asked, walking back towards her. She had tears running down her face as she shook her head back and forth.

"I can't believe that you did this." She whispered through tears. I didn't have time to wrap so most of the gifts where still in their bags. A short list would be; Lush, Prada, Hottopic, Barnes & Nobel's, American Apparel, Forever 21, etc." Nothing was too big or too small for her. I lifted her out of her highchair and she crept slowly towards the gifts. She looked back at me and I simply sat on the couch to have a perfect look at her. She raised her hands away from her mouth and sighed.

"I-I can't a-amount to all of this. You have made it really hard to one up you...but I did get you something too. If you'll have it." Her knees trembled as she walked over to the desk and reached under it. She pulled out a medium sized silver box. I straightened and watched her every move as she brought it over to me. I took it gently and made room on the couch for her to sit next to me. "Oh, and this." She exclaimed, pulling a small envelope from her side. I smiled and grabbed the envelope, opening it first.

My Dearest Blake, I hope that this is acceptable for you because...well you're perfect. I really hope that you know how amazing you are to me and how perfect you are in my eyes. Everyday it just gets more wonderful. Whether we are reading a book in on a rainy day or out at a fancy restaurant on the clearest night ever. I can't help but feel so complete around you. I give you this, for our anniversary, My Love. I give you my heart. To keep, to hold, to cherish, through thick and thin, rich and poor, for as long as you will have me. I do not just love you Blake Gregory Terrance. I am madly, deeply, truly, intoxicatingly in love with you.

I nearly cried when I set down the small note. I lifted the lid of the box to see a medium sized book. It read 'Memories' on the front in a glittery cursive. I flipped to the front page to see Harper and I's names on it, with a picture of one of our first kisses. A single tear escaped my eye and I turned to the next page, it was a selfie of us cuddling on the couch, watching the Little Mermaid. Harper in her kigurumi and I in my muscle shirt. I smiled, remembering how much I loved that. About 6 pages where filled as much as they could be with pictures of some of the adventures we had. I hugged Harper tightly to my side and kissed her passionately.

"This makes everything I got you, look like trash." I chuckled. She smiled and rubbed her thumb against my palm.

"I'm glad you like it." She giggled. I peppered her face with kisses while she screamed playfully.

"Like it? I love it, makes me just want to kiss you forever." I laughed, tickling her sides. After a few minutes of that I sat on the floor next to her while she opened her gifts, some where new clothes, others new sippys and binkies. I even got her some onsies and new books to read to her. Her eyes dazzled when she got her new necklace. It was a real 24 carrot gold necklace that spelt 'Princess' I had it custom made just for her. My heart swelled with every surprised squeal she let out when she opened a gift. Once everything was opened we started to pick up tissue paper off the floor. Let's just say, that it ended with us both surrounded by even smaller pieces of paper do to our 'snow ball' fight. Once everything was clean I put her back in her highchair and gave her a cut up sandwich with chips. She ate it gratefully and kicked her legs while she giggled. I put all of the bags in her nursery while she ate and made sure to make a special surprise in my room for her.

Harper POV

I ate my sandwich and waited politely for Daddy to reemerge. When he finally did I made grabby hands. He pulled me out of my highchair and held me on his hip, rubbing his nose against mine. My heart quickened when he started to kiss me gently, slowly getting more passionate. We moved over to the counter and he set me down, getting a smaller distance between us. His hands started to wander over my back and mine got lost in his hair. Until he pulled away and smirked.

"We still have one more thing to do my love." He whispered, nibbling on my ear. I let out a soft moan and wrapped my arms around his neck, trying to pull him back in. Her shook his head and chuckled. "It'll only take 10 minutes, Baby. Can you wait that long?" He nibbled on my ear again and my breaths started to come in faster.

"No daddy. I wanna play." I whispered back, biting my lip. He shook his head and walked me to my room. I sat and waited anxiously for him to come back.

Smut in the next chapter so if that makes you uncomfortable, plz feel free to skip. Love you guys <3

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