Chapter 26

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I decided to update cause I got bored so I hope you like it. Please like vote and leave me lots of comments <3 we are almost at out 300 vote instant update! Thank you to all you new readers for checking this out I will do my best not to disappoint you ;P

Harper POV

We had just gotten back from McDonald's and I was playing with my toy and sipping my apple juice while Daddy carried in the food. MeeMow rushed at my feet and started to paw at my skirt. I giggled and ran swiftly to the kitchen table with her at my feet. It didn't go as planned and we ended up knocking the little bookshelf by the stairs. I let out a loud gasp when I reached to fix it cause I thought I had done more damage. Daddy came rushing over to help me. Thankfully only a few books fell out, and a picture of Daddy, Victor and their mom. I smiled and got on my knees to clean it all up. Daddy went to the kitchen and set down all the food, wiping down my highchair and feeding Rosie. I picked up a few good books that I was excited for daddy to read to me. The long, skinny brown book had fallen too. I shoved a different book back into the shelf and picked it up. I looked at the glittery front cover and sighed.

"Daddy." I called, looking over towards the kitchen. He peeked his head through the open door frame. I held it up for him to see. "Will you read this too me?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. His eyes watered a bit and he bit his bottom lip, nodding slowly. He walked over and picked me up. We walked to the kitchen and he sat me down in my high chair. I giggled and reached for my chicken nuggets. He smiled and handed them to me, along with my fries and sprite.

"Blake and Harper, the love that won't die." Daddy started. I looked up at him and then down at the book to see the pictures. "Once there was a beautiful Princess, who lived as if she where a slave and was treated as such by those around her. For you see, she was disguised as a peasant girl to hide her from the king who wished to seek her. Many commoner boys failed to keep her heart for it was filled with so much love that only the king could handle it."

I giggled and shook my head. "Daddy, you aren't even on the first page yet, it doesn't say that!" He chuckled and tickled my sides.

"It's a prehistory, it leads up to this, I promise." He chuckled. I nodded and continued listening. "Well one day the sad Princess was ridden heart broken yet again and left with her one lady in waiting. One to whom the king will be forever grateful too for bringing him his princess. The fair princess was taken to be sold as a slave for her debts. The king was there with his obnoxious brother and saw the fair princess. He knew then that she would forever be his and live in his castle forever. So he bought the princess and treated her as one would a queen. Everyday he lived for her smile and just to see her body rest at night was enough to brighten any day the king had. This is a book of their adventures." He smiled and turned the page to our first kiss. With every turn my heart swelled and my eyes watered a bit. We reached the end of the pictures and Daddy closed the book. His eyes where full of hate.

"But the princess was stolen from her castle and taken far away from the king. Only with thoughts of her on his mind did he survive the cold clutches of the intruders. He was reunited with his princess when the smoke dissipated from his eyes and he could see clearly again. His poor innocent princess had been abused to a point where the king could feel her scars burn into his skin." Daddy was clenching and un-clenching his fists so much that I placed my hand on his.

"But the princess felt nothing, for if not had the princess continued to think of the king, would she have survived. Her scars did not burn, but empowered her to love and appreciate the king even more." I hushed my voice a bit and cupped my hand to Daddy's ear. "And the King's sword is a lot bigger then Jason's." I giggled. Daddy shook his head and cracked a slight smile.

"Are we still talking about the story?" He started to laugh. I giggled and popped a fry into my mouth.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Blake shook his head and picked up some trash from my tray table to throw away on his way there. I peeked my head around the doorway and saw a strange man with a mustache there. They started talking and I started getting confused.

Blake POV

"Of course we can foster her for a bit, but just so you know; we don't filter anything we do." I clarified. Gustaf nodded and waved at his car for a young lady to emerge. She was 14-15 at most but she looked about 17. Her hair was curled and she was smacking on gum.

"Now, remember to put a filter on that mouth, young lady." Gustaf growled. She rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Yeah yeah, a week here I got it." He groaned. Her eyes wandered to me and she took a step back.

"Damn you are hot as fuck." She yelled. Gustaf face palmed and I just rolled my eyes.

"Follow me." I ordered, she followed without waving goodbye and I closed the door.

"Daddy!" I heard Harper whine. I sped up my pace and we emerged in the kitchen. Harper immediately shot the girl a glare and crossed her arms over her chest. She already wasn't happy about the way she was looking at me.

"Who is this?" She asked through a stiff smile and her big girl voice. I lifted the tray off of her high chair and let her down. She stood at full height which was only a little taller then the girl.

"I'm Jasmine." The girl smirked back. I pulled Harper back and started to massage her shoulders. She started to roll them along with me and take deeper breaths.

"Princess, you know I can't say no when it comes to helping out friends." That sounded like a stupid excuse but the girl was supposedly 15. She nodded and Jasmine giggled a bit. Harper snapped to attention and her scowl reemerged.

"What?" She growled. I massaged a bit harder and calmed her a bit.

"Just your outfit is so flouncy, not what I was expecting a strong guy like Blake to go for." Her voice had a bit too much purr in it that time so I cocked an eyebrow.

"Oh I'm sorry. I do this thing where I can act my age and beat the sh-poop out of someone or I can act like a baby. Sadly it looks like you only have the second one." Harper bit back sarcastically, tweaking Jasmine's nose a bit.

"She is just here for a week." I intervened. Harper looked up and nodded, letting out a frustrated sigh.

"OK, Daddy. I'll play nice." She agreed. I smiled and pulled her into a hug. I could tell that she was using one of her hands to flip off Jasmine and I slapped her ass for it. She squealed and giggled, pulling away from me. "Starting now." She giggled.

"So do I call you Daddy too or?" Jasmine tried to include. Harper snapped her body towards her and immediately started to get serious.

"Do it and I will throw you out that window so quick you won't have a story to tell the ambulance." She growled. I bit my lip, I knew it was wrong but it was really sexy when she was protective like that. I cleared my throat an rubbed the back of my neck. Harper turned and looked up sadly, then back at Jasmine, realizing what she had done. She cleared her throat and folded her hands.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said it like that. I just meant no, he is my boyfriend and this is how we live. Please do not call him Daddy. That is our thing. Let's start over." She wiped her hand on her skirt and held it out to Jasmine. "Hi, I'm Harper." I smiled with pride and Jasmine begrudgingly shook Harper's hand. 

Harper is my spirit animal. Like there is this girl I hate and she likes my crush and she needs to stop herself. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. 3 more votes by tomorrow and we will get out 300 vote instant update!

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