Chapter 6

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Only going to do one chapter today! I'll try to update my other stories so if you want, go check those out! Now onto the story!!


"Carlos! Carlos!" I ran down the hallway towards the locker rooms, in case he was still in there. "Carlos, are you in there? It's important!" I said to the boy's locker room door, since I can't go in,

"Whoa, Sammy, what's the matter?" Ben said opening the door.

"Oh my goodness, Ben! I just figured out something but I don't know if it's true so I was going to find Carlos and ask him to see if he lies or something but it's bad!" My words came out faster than my mind was supposed to operate.

"Sammy, breathe," I took a deep breath and nodded my head.

"Ben, where is Carlos?" I asked, and he just shrugged his shoulders. "Benjamin, you are no help what so ever!" I stomped away but the bell rang so I had to get to science.

I ran because my class was on the other side of the building. Out of breath, I ran through the door and sat down, then the bell went off.

I sat next to Chad and kept shaking his leg and staring at Evie. Who was across from me, sitting next to Doug. The longer they stared at each other, the more I wanted to throw up. Paying attention to the teacher, I tried to ignore Chad's leg moving.

"Any chance, he is in line for a throne? Anywhere, in line?" Evie asked Doug in a daydreamy voice. Oh just great, thanks Chad for ruining my plans to get them together!

"That's Chad. Prince Charming Junior. Cinderella's son? Chad has the charm but not a lot of there, there. You know what I mean?" Doug had no sign of enthusiasm when talking about Chad to the girl he liked.

"Looks like they're there to me," Evie is oblivious to the fact that Chad is going to hurt her. I kicked Chad's leg and he looked at me, cause Evie and Doug to look at me.

"Sorry! My foot slipped," I lied and winked at Doug. But then the teacher saw us not paying attention.

"Evie, this may not be new to you. Samantha, I'll give you a warning but pay attention to me when I am speaking. That's the princess thing to do." I rolled my eyes and let my head hit the table, groaning. "Now Evie, what is the atomic weight of silver?" My head shot up. Oh no.

"Excuse me, sir. It was my fault! I asked Evie for a pencil or a pen because mine broke," I secretly broke my pencil on purpose. She didn't have any so she asked Doug for me. If anyone should do the problem, it's me," I said facing him, showing the pencil to him.

He looked at it with narrow eyes before looking at Evie and nodding. "Very well, but next time Samantha, ask me," I fake smiled at him, when he handed me a pencil as a thank you. When I looked back a Evie, her face showed she was grateful and I just smiled and winked at her.

The rest of the class when by and when the bell rang, Chad handed Evie a piece of paper and she admired it. I sighed, shaking my head before heading to go find Carlos.

I couldn't find Carlos anywhere! This is impossible! I gave up, walking on a path through the forest. Sitting on a rock, I put my head in my hands, thinking about what I was going to say. Mal wants the wand.... She bribed Jane to ask her mom.... The alarm in the museum went off.... The only conclusion I came up with was that she went to get it, alarm went off, that plan failed so she pretended to be Jane's friend to get to it.

Suddenly, I heard someone screaming. I quickly stood up and starting jogging towards it. "Hello?" I shouted but all I heard was more screams. I ran faster and before I knew it, I was on the ground. Opening my eyes, I see Carlos De Vil, on top of me.

"Sam?" He looked confused but then heard barking. He scrambled to get up, screamed then ran and climbed a tree.

"Carlos! What is your problem?" The barking gets closer and I see the schools mutt, Dude at the tree, barking at Carlos. "Oh!" Then Ben runs up out of breath behind me.

"You guys help me! This thing is a killer! It chased me down to rip out my throat. This is a vicious, rabid pack animal!" He pointed at Dude. I laughed and shook my head before picking Dude up.

"Who told you that?" Ben asked petting Dude on the head.

"My mother. She's a dog expert, a dogeolrer" Carlos said frightened and disgusted.

"Of course! Makes sense now!" I said laughing at the boy in the tree who I had a slight crush on.

"Why are you touching him, he's gonna attack you!" He exclaims, clutching the tree even more.

"Have you ever met a dog before?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Of course not," he says, softer than before.

"Dude, meet Carlos. Carlos this is Dude. He's the campus mutt," Ben introducing the two of them.

"He doesn't look vicious. Jeez, you're a good boy aren't ya?" He says taking Dude as I hand him over, looking at him interact with Dude.

"I guess you guys have it pretty rough on the island," my brother says seeing Carlos meet a dog for the first time.

"Yeah, let's just say we don't get a lot of belly rubs," we lightly laugh.

"Well good job, with the sprints. You're really fast!" Ben says, changing the subject.

"Oh that's what you were doing! You are fast. And heavy!" I laugh and push Carlos' shoulder a little. Ben seemed confused.

"I was running from Dude and actually fell on Sam before getting in the tree," he laughed. Ben nodded.

"Oh, right! Sammy, weren't you looking for Carlos earlier? Said it was important?" I remembered and nodded very fast.

"Carlos, I have to talk to you. Well more like ask you something." I said and then look at Ben, silently asking him to go away.

"Well I'm gonna give you guys some space. Carlos, just come find me when you're done," I waved at my brother before he ran off down the path.

"So, what is it?" Carlos asked as he sat down on the log, motioning for me to sit too. Well here goes nothing!

That's the end of this chapter. It over a thousand words so I hope you like it!

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