Chapter 17

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Sorry I missed the last two weeks of updates... Guys! Big news! So the movie is almost over.... Which kinda sucks because I do enjoy writing for you and seeing your reactions to my version. However I do want to tell you that, when the sequel to Descendants comes out, I will hopefully create a sequel to this (:


Its my brothers coronation day, and I've never been so upset to see my brother become king. Of course, I'm proud of him, but if no one agreed with his first decision, how will anyone listen to any of the others?

I was dressed in yellow ball gown, to match my family. Ben looked like dad and I looked like mom.

Ben and Mal sat together on the carriage. Mal dressed in a gorgeous purple dress, with her hair in a nice bun. The two of them were having an intense conversation.

They got off the carriage, walking hand in hand.  I stood with my parents when Ben and Mal approached us. Mal bowed in front of Mom and I and I smiled, bowing back.

"About the other day, I just-," Mal started to apologize, but my father interrupted her.

"I told Ben this wasn't going to be easy," His voice was deep, and his glasses reflected sun off of them.

"You also taught me that a king has to believe in himself," When Ben spoke, looking at Dad, I smile and grabbed Mom's arm, causing her to look and smile. "Even when it isn't easy," I nodded my head with my brothers words.

"I did?" Dad said, confused. I stiffled a laugh causing Ben to look at me and smile, while Mom smacked Dad's arm. "How very wise of me," He said, confident this time.

"Ben, we are very proud of you," Mom reached for him and I nudged Mal, causing her to smile at me. "You keep listening to your heart," Ben smiled wide.

"Thanks, Mom," Ben responded.

"Look Big Brother," I started, getting Ben's attention, "Just because you're gonna be king now, doesn't mean you can banish me when I do something like you said you would, when we were eight," The words made my brother pout. "But I'm gonna try and stop 'accidentally' putting a red shirt in with your whites. And maybe be a better twin sister," I laughed as Ben pulled me into a hug.

"You're already the best sister anyone could ask for," Ben whispered into my ear, while hugging me tight, "Except the whole laundry thing. I was not rocking the whole pink socks thing," He laughed and let go.

"You're gonna make a fine king," Dad says, patting Ben's shoulder. My parents grabbed each other's hands and walked off. I stood to the other side of trumpet players.

"Wish me luck," Ben told Mal and I mentally aww'ed at their sweet moment.

"C'mon Mal," I said, as the guy held his hand out for her to take. I on the other hand, was leading them to where we were going. Since, we've practiced a few times before.

The choir of younger kids were singing some song I wasn't interested in. And if my brother wasn't being crowned king, I would've fell asleep. In front of them, were a few people, including Jay, Evie and Carlos, who was holding Dude.

Many people stood, waiting for my brother and I was with my parents and Mal, at the end of that line. As the doors opened, I saw my brother walking, and there was a chorused 'aww'.

As Ben passed people, they were to bow. My parents stood next to the wand and I stood with Mal, so when Ben passed us, we bowed and smiled. Fairy Godmother came out and greeted my parents. She took off my father's crown.

Ben got up the small set of stairs and got onto his knees. All of us stood patiently, watching as Fairy Godmother slowly moved the crown to my brothers head. When it was on his head, I smiled and looked at Mal. Her face seemed a bit sad, but I couldn't ask her.

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