Chapter 15

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WOW i updated on Tuesday for the first time in forever ;) But I really liked this part of the movie because DRAMA!!!! But also because it was an easy part to insert Sam in here. I dont think i mentioned this before but I DONT OWN ANY OF THE DESCENDANTS PLOT, MOVIE, CHARACTERS, OR ANYTHING ELSE THAT I FORGOT..... CONTINUE


"Come on, Dude!" Carlos yelled, running past me, while i was playing with Dude. Dude barked and ran after him.

"Hey, wait!" I stood up and jogged towards them. Carlos stopped causing Dude to turn around and come bouncing back to me. "Are you having fun?" I asked Carlos, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Yeah, I'm enjoying myself. Are you?" His smile was bright as he asked me. I shrugged my shoulders, looking at the ground.

   "It looks like Dude is having a good time," I laughed as Dude barked, jumping and spinning around. I looked around and saw Jay and Ben playing croquet, and i saw Mal standing near Audrey and her grandmother, Queen.  "But yeah, it's pretty fun," I smiled at him and his teeth were almost as white as his hair. "Hey, Carlos, i need to tell you something," His eyebrows furrowed together, urging me to continue. I opened my mouth but Queen Leah shouted.

"You!" My head turned and i started walking towards the three of them. "How are you here? And how have you stayed so young?" Queen Leah had looked at Mal, up and down, thinking she is Maleficent.

"Queen Leah," I started, trying to calm her down, but Ben cut me off.

"Maleficent is still on the Isle of the Lost. This is her daughter, Mal. Don't you remember my proclamation to give the new generation a chance?" Ben tried reasoning with her.

"A chance to do what, Ben? Destroy us?" I hadn't appreciated the way she talked to my brother, but she turned to the adults. "You remember, don't you? The poison apples and the spells?" She glanced at my parents, who just put their heads down. "My daughter was raised by fairies because of your mother's curse. Her first words, her first steps, I missed it all!" Her voice raised and i jumped back. 

Carlos was behind me, so he placed his hands on my waist to hold me. I looked at him and i knew i looked angry. His eyes were telling me to calm down.

"I'm so sor-" Mal went to apologize but Chad stepped in front of her.

"Stay away from her," Chad's finger pointed at Mal and i walked up to him.

"Back up, Chad. This is none of your business." I pointed my finger on his chest.

"Sam, stop. Chad, don't do this," Ben spoke up, causing me to withdraw my hand.

"What? They were raised by their parents, Ben. What do you think villains teach their kids, huh? Kindness? Fair play?" Chad paused from a moment, so i took the chance to say something.

"You're one to talk about kindness and fair play," I snorted. 

"You stole another girl's boyfriend," Chad directed that to Mal. "You enjoy hurting people," This was to Jay. "And you, you're nothing but a gold digger and a cheater." And this was to Evie. 

"Mirror, mirror in my hand. who's the biggest jerk in the land?" Evie showed the mirror to Chad and he look offended. He smacked it out of her hand, and my eyes widened, as Jay pushed him back.

"Jay, he isn't worth it, stop," I pulled his arm back, but Evie sprayed Chad with some perfume, and he fell back, like he was sleeping. "No, guys stop!" I yelled trying to break up this small fight. Ben pulled Jay back and i went to make sure Carlos was okay. 

Evie pulled Mal away from the scene and Jay backed away. "Carlos, i'm so sorry this happened," I apologized to him, but he just handed me Dude's leash and turned away, going with the three of them, running away. "Carlos!" I called after him.

Tears pricked my eyes, but i blinked them away when I noticed Ben was staring after them, too. "What are we gonna do, Ben?" He just shook his head at me and we walked to our parents.

"I feared something like this would happen," Dad said to us, but I just shook my head.

"This isn't their fault!" Ben told them.

"No, son, it's your's." Dad started pulling Mom away.

"Dad, you can't just say that. You've made some mistakes as king," I stood up from my brother.

"What did i do, Samantha? I owned up to my mistakes," He raised his voice, before walking away with his wife.

"Mom?" Ben called to her, but she continued walking.

"I'm still here, Ben," He looked at me. "I'll always be here," I smiled at him, and i grabbed his hand. Together, we walked out of the courtyard with eyes staring at us, in search of our friends.

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