Chapter 18

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Lol late update


I'm still frozen, Maleficent is a dragon and Mal, Jay, Carlos, and Evie are running away from the dragon. There is nothing I can do, just watch and hope for the best.

Evie shines a light from her mirror into Maleficent's eyes, and Mal gets in front. She begins chanting and her eyes turn an emerald green. The dragons eyes did as well.

The stare down went on for a little while and suddenly there was a green smoke cloud. I saw Fairy Godmother unfreeze. How come I'm still frozen?

"Did I do that?" Mal asked, after the four of them run to Fairy Godmother.

"No, your mother did. She shrank to the size of the love in her heart. That's why it's so itty bitty," What Fairy Godmother said, made sense.

"Is she gonna be like that forever?" Mal asked, concerned.

"Well forever is a long time. You learned to love, so can she." Fairy Godmother smiled at Mal, comforting her.

"I believe this belongs to you," Mal held out the wand. Fairy Godmother took it and picked up my brother's ring.

"And I believe this belongs to you," she stood up, "you all have earned yourselves an A in goodness class," The kids laughed. "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo!"

I almost fell over from being frozen for so long. My brother was roaring and he was stopped by Mal. I let out a breath and watched the five of them, all happy. My parents were a bit startled but fine as well. I didn't really fit in here. Everyone was fine without me.

"Next time I rescue you, okay?" Ben told Mal, spinning her around. I smiled at the couple.

"Are you okay?" I jumped, being pulled out of my thoughts.

"Um, yeah I'm fine. A little dizzy and bummed that I didn't get to get in on the action," I tried to look at Carlos but, my eyes kept trailing back to the floor or Mal and my brother,

"The dragon action, or the relationship action?" I was surprised that he had asked me that question.

"Both? I guess, I don't know. It's stupid," I tried to wave it off, but he just wouldn't let it go.

"I'm sorry, Samantha. For being so rude to you and not telling you how I really felt because if I had told you, then we wouldn't be having this really awkward conversation-" Carlos was rambling.

"Carlos!" I said a bit loud. He jumped and stopped talking.

"It's fine. You don't like me in the same way, I get it," He put Dude on the ground and stopped me.

"That's the thing. I do feel the same way. I have since I met you. I just didn't think it would work out since my moms a villain and your parents aren't. Plus we were on a mission in the first place-" I cut him off again.

"Just kiss me," I rolled my eyes at him. His hands grabbed mine and he leaned close to my face and I leaned in too.

"Ow!" We both exclaimed, rubbing out foreheads.

"Let's try that again," he laughed and grabbed my face this time. I smiled into the kiss and put my hands on his chest. This was the one thing I wanted for a long time.

"Whoo!" I pulled away, putting my face in Carlos' chest as I heard our friends cheering, including Aaron, Meredith, and Rachel.

"Alright, King Big Brother, what's your first proclamation as official king?" I asked him, his arm around Mal's shoulders and Carlos' around mine. Jay and Rachel were holding hands. Doug and Evie were talking about chemistry, and Aaron and Meredith were holding hands too.

"Now, we party!" All of us cheered.

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