Chapter 16

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I apologize because i know it's Wednesday and this chapter is a day late... but the movie is almost over and i have to find a way to make this story interesting enough to keep going, especially if the sequel comes out sooner than i expect. But thank you all for putting up with me! I love you and THIS STORY HAS OVER 33K READS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you guys!


Ben and i walked around for what seemed like hours, but was only 20 minutes, looking for our four newest friends. We finally found them at the school, sitting at a bench near Doug, Chad, Audrey, Lonnie, etc. 

"Hey guys, how is everyone?" Ben asked a stupid question, clapping his hands.

"We're really sorry about what happened back there. We didn't expect it, because everything has been great so far." I apologized for the event that happened causing them to run away.

"Hey, listen. Forget about it. It was nothing, forget about it, and let it go," Ben tried laughing it off, and i saw Doug slowly make his way over to us. "Tomorrow after the coronation, i promise everything will be okay," Ben placed his hands on Mal's shoulders, and i saw Evie's face which held a sad look on it.

"Hey, Carlos," I walked over to him, but he didn't look at me. "I really am so-" He cut me off.

"Sam, stop. I don't want to talk to you," I took a step backwards, covering my mouth with my hands.

"Well, okay. Um," I bit my lip, and look at my brother.

"We have to go. We'll see you guys later." Ben let go of Mal and walked to me, putting his arm around my shoulders. 

"Bye," I whispered, not daring to look at the guy i fell for. A slight wave was the only action i did, before Ben walked me away from them. A tear fell from my eye and i refused to wipe it away, or let anymore fall. My brother and I walked to wherever he was leading me, in silence.

Carlos (Sam's POV was short, but i thought i might make the chapter longer and switch to Carlos, since y'all like it so much)

I turned to watch Sam and Ben leave. I ran a hand through my hair, knowing what i did was wrong. 

"She didn't deserve that, Carlos," Evie spoke softly. I sighed.

"I know, E. I didn't know what else to do," Doug walked up to our table.

"Listen, Evie-" Doug started but was cut off by Chad.

"Doug!" Chad stood from his table, calling for him, while he and Evie were trying to talk.

"Doug," Evie looked devastated that he couldn't talk to her.

"I'm sorry, I can't," he walked back to the table and sat down. Now Evie was in a worse mood than before. And just as i thought it was over with the harassment, Audrey and Jane walked by, obviously talking about us.

"How long does she think that's gonna last?" Audrey laughed. "Mal's just the bad girl infatuation," They stopped right behind Mal.

"Yeah," Jane said, being a follower, "I mean he's never gonna make a villain, a queen," She looked at us, before turning and laughing with the other girls. Mal being upset, flip through her mother's spell book.

"Beware, for swear, undo Jane's hair," She waved her index finger around, and suddenly, Jane screamed, causing the girls around her to scatter. They laughed, but a few of them checked to make sure their hair was still nice. Serves them right.

We all stood up, as Mal spoke, "There's a lot more where that came from," talking to the girls at the other table.

"Excuse me, who do you think you are?" Audrey placed her hand on her hip, thinking she was queen of the school.

"Do i look like I'm kidding?" Mal was beyond mad now. She pulled out the spell book, and all of the princes and princesses scattered, running away.  Mal spun around to face us, "I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. Let's grab that wand, and blow this popsicle stand," the four of us walked in a line.

As i walked with my three best friends, all i thought about was being superior to those snotty rich kids. In the back of my mind, was Samantha. How i would make it up to her, but that didn't matter, because when our parents rule Auradon, she won't be around for me to think about.

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