Chapter 1 ~ Purple

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Do you ever look at someone and ask yourself what they're story may be? I ask myself that all the time, but my interpretation of their lives is always on the happy side. Unlike mine. My life is filled with self hate. Why? Well because I'm a teenager, for one, and I'm somewhat "emo" if that is the right term to even use. Oh and a Freak of Nature! Can't forget that now can we? Me being born with these eyes that, for some reason, see the world in a different way, makes me feared and for that, a punching bag at school.

I got used to the beatings though, mainly because I get it everyday. No normal kid should be able to say such a line with nonchalant, but I guess I'm no ordinary kid, am I? Seeing the world in black and white, but only the color of Aura's that surround people, makes one very abnormal. So that's How my life is. Seeing people in black and white with only the color that surround them.

I've also gotten a handle on the colors and their emotions. Red is anger, or personality trait, total dickbags. Green is humble, or in this worlds case, Mormons. Pink is bubbly, people who seem like the happiest people ever. Blue is sadness, or the people more near the depressed side. Those are the only ones I have ever seen in my life, and those are what I picked up on at school.

My mom's is Red. She is a very short tempered woman and it wouldn't surprise me since she is a drug addict. My dad's though, is Green. Despite all his stress and mini blow ups, he seems humble and for some reason, that gives me calm. Just the fact that his is calm I guess.

Being able to see everyone's Aura, seems to make me somewhat understand them. But I still can't see mine, so I have no idea what my Aura is, but if I were to take a guess, I'm pretty sure it would be near the blue category.

"Axel? You okay there buddy?" My friend Elliot asked, snapping his hand in fro t of me. My eyes met his dull gray ones and I smiled sheepishly.

"Did I zone out again?" I asked.

He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, lifting his hipster glasses up as he did so. "What am I gonna do with you?" He asked, his Aura changing to a darker shade of Pink, which meant somewhere between bubbly, joking, and annoyance.

"Drug me and sell my kidneys to the black market?" I suggested, taking a drink of my soda.

He gasped exaggeratingly, placing his hand palm flat on his chest. "I would never.... Actually that's a lie, I totally would." He chuckled and sipped his drink guiltily. I couldn't help but admire his now light pink Aura, the Aura of a man who knows how to live right. A man who knows that laughing and jokes is the way to get through this life.

"Are you watching my Aura again?" He asked, making me blush a small shade of ... I hope pink.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Your blue eyes started doing the ripples again." He explained.

See I didn't know I had blue eyes. Everything to me is a world full of dull colors. All I know is that his eyes are green and his hair is blonde. I don't know what blonde looks like, so I just had to imagine what the color would be.

"It's a curse. I can't really control it." I say honestly. I couldn't control my eyes. They always seemed to have a mind of their own no matter what the brain tells them to do.

"It's okay, what's my Aura today?" He asked.

"Pink, as usual," I teased.

He grunted, throwing himself back on the chair. "Awe, the same gay color," he smirked.

"Please, its not that bad. It's actually quite lovely." I stated. He scoffed and took the final bite of his burger.

Today was a day off school and frankly, spending a day with my diaper days best friend was wot
Worth a Saturday. Elliot found out about my Aura seeking eyes when he was pissed at me one day and he was watching my eyes ripple softly like the ocean. Let me tell you, that calmed his ass right down. When I told him I see the world in black and white, he about passed out on me.

"So how are finals going?" He asks, scratching the back of his light gray hair. Or... Blonde hair?

I shrugged and pulled out my phone to see the time. It was half past midnight and we were still out, at the local Denny's, having dinner. "Finals are going good, but hey, I gotta get going. My dad gets off in three hours and I want to say hi before he goes off to bed." I say, already gathering my stuff.

He nodded. "Okay, maybe we can go see a movie tomorrow, you know, if your not to busy." He smiled.

"Sure thing Elliot. Night." And with that, I put my Jacket on, over my black shirt and slid out of the booth. I thanked our waiter and walked out of the Denny's into the crisp air. Usually outside, in the November air, clears my mind. Even if everything was black and white and gray, it was still a lovely world. Each thing has their own lovely shade of the colors. But the only thing I get to see is the color of the people. Those are how I know what some colors look like. It was quite pleasant though.

I started down the road, walking towards my house. Since the Denny's was literally down the street from my house, we usually walk there. Elliot on the other hand, lives three blocks from me, so he takes longer to get here. Like i'd complain. He is a trooper.

"Hey!" A scream echoed through my mind, making me stop and turn around. What I saw, startled my eyes beyond belief. A purple Aura was running down the street, towards me in a panic. My mind was frozen at just the most beautiful color in the world. A color I have never seen before. A col-

I was pushed to the floor by his big body tackling me. Pain shot up my back when I realised I was on the floor. "Hey!' I shouted.

He glanced down at me. "Pretty boy, I'm in a hurry, fucking cops are after me." He said getting up off of me. I rolled my eyes and stood up as well, dusting off my ass.

"Yeah well taking precaution would never hurt anyone," I spat. He just chuckled and glanced up to see the cops vear the corner. He cursed to himself and gripped my arm. My eyes widened. "What are you doing?" I asked.

He smirked. "Your now an accomplice. They've seen you. So fucking run emo boy!" He shouted taking off with my hand. I about toppled over until I found my footing, running just as fast as the purple aura'd man. The cops slowly tagging our tails.

He took a sharp turn into a narrow alleyway, not warning me and I slammed my fucking shoulder into the wall, a sharp pain shooting up it. I grunted when we took two more sharp turns and came to an empty street. He let my hand go, and immediately, I tried to catch my breath, hunching over in order to do it.

"I... Who are you?" I asked, taking in gulps of air.

He looked unaffected by all the running and simply turned with a smile. "You can call me Radar if you'd like." He smirked.

"Isn't Radar from that old show... Uh... M.a.s.h or something?" I asked, standing straight.

"Your a clever one, I like it." He smirked and I felt my shoulder shoot pain down my spine, making me twitch. I brought my hand up and saw that my Jacket was torn. Reaching in I pulled my fingers out to reveal a dark shade of gray. I lifted my fingers up to him and his smile grew.

"Seems you've got a battle scar, huh?" He asked. "No matter, come to my place I'll patch it up for ya." And with that, he grabbed my arm and shot down the street again.

Boy was this night turning into a surprise.

A/N: Hey guys, I've had this idea for a while and I wanted to share it with the world :3 I hope you guys like it!!

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