Chapter 2 ~ Elliots an Ass

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"Say again why I don't punch you in the face right about now?" I asked through gritted teeth.

He glanced up through his thick eyelashes and smirked a grin that just said everything. "Because who would stitch you up?" He asked, pulling on the needle of thread. Don't ask me how I got into this situation, I just did. Frankly, I can't complain though. Some of it was my fault and can be explainable, although some of it just kind of a tag along and shot up to a surprise. A very hot surprise if you ask me.

Then there's the Aura. It was a very... Vibrant purple. It is brighter than any Aura I've ever seen before and that is saying a lot. It's so bright I feel like I can reach out and touch it, but then that'd scare Mr. Stranger away. I'm pretty sure anyway.

"So what's your name, princess?" Mr. Stranger asked, tying the knot on my nasty looking cut.

"Axel," I say no more, instead I search the room I'm in. A bed that looked stolen and old, a fridge with at least two bullet holes in it and the floor that looked water stained and dried up. The ceiling had a couple cracks in it while the wall looked frail. This apartment was about to fall apart any second. I can't believe this guy lives in such a place. Even if I can only see the world in black and white, this place was not okay to live in.

"Admiring my kingdom?" Radar asked, smirking at my sudden jump to his voice.

"Quite the opposite in fact. Its about to fall apart by the looks of thing." I say. I glanced at him, as if for the first time. He wore light gray shorts with camo looking designs on them and a giant black oversized hoodie that covered his unidentified torso. His hair was a dark gray while his eyes seemed to be a light gray. If only I could see actual color, I'd know what it all looked like.

"It is falling apart, but who cares. It's my home, I fucking own this place so fuck the other people who need it." He said getting up to place his sewing kit away.

"Is this steryl?" I asked, looking down at his mighty fine workmanship.

"It's steryl for now, I would clean it out and actually go to a hospital for it, but it should hold for now." He disappeared behind the dining room wall and appeared back with a gun in his hand. Out of instinct, I jumped up and held my hands out.

"Wow, dude, you patched me up and now you want to kill me?" I asked, almost offended at the thought.

He raised a brow and scoffed at me. "This isn't for you dumbass." He said and shoved it behind his pants, throwing his jacket over it.

"Oh.. Right." I relaxed somewhat and reached into my pocket to pull out my iPhone. Checking the time, it was way past two in the morning and I had to meet Elliot tomorrow. "Ah crap!" I say and start walking to the door, picking up my Jacket along the way.

"Where are you going?" Radar asked, throwing a hand up to stop me.

"There's this thing called school I go to, and its already a quarter til three." I lied, mustering up as much annoyance as I could.

"You still fucking go to school? How old are you?" He asked.

"Sixteen, seventeen in a month and a half." I said.

"Jesus you are young," he searched me as if for the first time. "I'm eighteen, about to be nineteen in a month as well." He paused and lifter a brow. "Wait... It's Saturday, you don't have school Sunday." He stated.

"Oh shut up, not like we are gonna meet again. But I do have to leave. Have fun running from police, Radar. " and with that, I shoved my way into the hallway and ran down the stairs. I didn't look back to even see if he was following until I got all the way out of the building. The streets were empty as I walked except for the occasional car that passed by me. I sighed, finally getting to my house. Of course the house was empty, which meant my dad was working overtime and my mom was on a drug bender still. It's the usual night, I guess.

I opened the front door and stepped inside only to be met with Damien's fist. A "friend" of my mother's. I stumbled back, holding my nose and biting my lip to keep from snapping out a rude gesture.

"Well that's no way to greet someone," I say sarcastically, glancing up to see Damien and my mom standing there. My mom was wavering, which meant she was on drugs at the moment.

"Shut your mouth you piece of shit," Damien spat, moving his hair out if his face.

"You watch it. Your not even allowed in this house anymore, why are you here?" I asked, getting ready for another painful swing to the face.

"Your mother invited me you shit. Now leave us be," he spat, slapping my head harshly.

"Gladly," I shot back and walked up to my room. I slammed the door, and grunted loudly as I landed on my bed. My room is so cold and feels lonely to me. Probably because I'm lonely and my life is shit. But also why the fuck did I follow that guy home?

My phone rang, and fishing into my pocket I looked at the call. It was Elliot. I answered it. "It's late," I say.

"Yeah but I doubted you'd be asleep. Open your window, I'm on the tree." I grunted, hanging up and standing to my feet. I walked over and opened my window to see Elliot hanging between a thin branch and his hand wrapped around the huge one above him.

"You know, one day that's gonna snap on you," I said with a smirk on my face. My hands crossing in front of me as they lay to rest on my windowsill. He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah and when that day comes you can party, but for now, back the fuck up so I can get in." He demanded.

I chuckled and backed up, making room for him as he jumped from the branch onto my windowsill and then tumbled into the room. "Jesus! You couldn't wait til tomorrow?"I asked as he just stared up at me from the bus.

"I tried to come earlier but you weren't home. After you left I came over but you weren't home yet." He said.

He gulped as I watched him get up. "Yeah, about that... You see I kind of... Ran into someone." I say, shoving my hands into my pocket to sit on the ground.

"Oh, and who was it? How'd you guys meet?" He asked.

I averted my eyes from his and scratched awkwardly at my neck. "He... Um... Well he was... Uhm... Kind of... Runningfromthepoliceand hedraggedmealong." I said, rushing it out of my mouth as fast as possible.

Elliot just stood there, until he let out a hopelessly fake laughter. "You tagged along with someone who was running from the police? You know what that looks like right? Did they see your face?" He asked.

I turned to him and shrugged. "How the fuck am I supposed to know? He just dragged me along and for some reason, I followed! He could've been an axe murderer and for fucks sakes he was running from the police!" I shouted and slumped down onto the bed like a dead gimp.

Elliot chuckled and sat down next to me. "How was his Aura?" He asked.

I turned my head to look up at him and smiled. "It was purple. A very beautiful purple. The most amazing color I've ever seen." I said through my breath.

He smirked. "I think it turned you on," he glanced down and I glanced down almost about to freak out but the tent was not there. I scoffed and punched him.

"Elli that's not funny!" He laughed and got up.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry. Im gonna leave you be. I will come back tomorrow. If your not to busy daydreaming about mr. Purple and doing the Mwah mwah," he teased, making bad fish lips as he walked towards the window.

"Your an ass!" I grabbed a pillow and flung it at him. He laughed and tried desperately to crawl out the window. I kept throwing my pillows until he was out of the house. I heard him start go climb out and I just smiled at the window. He was right though. I was thinking of Radar. For some reason, it was something I couldn't explain. But I doubt I will ever see him again.

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