Chapter 11~ Running from Problems

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"Is it just me or is dad taking his sweet time getting home?" I asked my dog who was currently sitting and panting at my feet. He just lied his fluffy head down and watched the door with me. I was waiting for my dad to get home so I can ask him about the letter. It was currently almost 3 in the morning so I obviously felt hella sleep deprived at the moment, but ya know what it was worth it.

The heard the door handle jiggle, making my dog perk up and try harshly to get up as the door opened. My dad's green Aura was the first thing I saw when he walked. My dad chuckled as Jaba tried (and failed) to jump on him. My dog was an ultra fat Labrador . Don't question, we love to feed it.

"Hey sport, whatcha still doing up?" My dad asked.

"I wanted to ask you something." I said as he walked into the kitchen, fixing his glasses and placing his case and coat on the counter.

"Shoot, I'm sure I've got an answer," he said, opening the fridge to pull out a light gray can of sprite.

"Well, I was looking at the mail and noticed their was one from a debt collector. Are we not paying our bills or..." I asked, faltering my words.

My dad's face dropped a little, but he just took a drink of the soda, thinking, before smiling. "We are fine. That debt was because your mother got into that accident two months ago. It's nothing major." He said.

"You sure?" I ask.

He shrugs. "I'm pretty sure. But anyway you should be asleep. Why are you still awake? Is your disorder bugging you?" He asked.

I hated how my dad talked about my Aura seeing and color blindness as a disorder or a disease. It made me feel like their was something wrong with me and it bugged me.

"No I wanted to just ask you that. I guess I really had nothing to worry about." I say and jump off the stool.

"Oh, well yeah you didn't. It was good seeing you. Feels like we don't talk often, sport." He says, leaning on the counter.

Because we don't. I wanted to say but just nodded and walked up the stairs, hearing my dad's sigh enter my ears. God I feel so disconnected with this family that its not okay. Walking into my room and closing the door, plopping onto my bed and instantly was engulfed in darkness.

*the next day*

"Dude you look like death took a shit on you," was how I was greeted by none other than my best friend Elliot. I didn't blame him. I was in sweat pants and an oversized hoodie, my hair tucked under a beanie and my skin white with dark bags under my eyes. If anything I looked like a majorly depressed teenager with no sleep with a pinch of death. Oh wait I already was!

"Gee, thanks for the warm welcome I truly fucking appreciate that." I say with as much sarcasm as I could muster.

"Dude I'm being serious. Did you get no sleep last night?" He asked, sipping his cheap gas station coffee.

"You are fucking brilliant! What was your first guess?!" I yell. He scoffed.

"Jeeze I'm feeling as attacked as Metatron felt!" He said, taking another sip.

"You had to fucking go there, didn't you?! I'm not in the mood!" And with that I walked around him, angrily stomping into the front doors, avoiding the cold air.

"Holy Christ you need sleep!" Elliot screamed from behind me.

"No fucking shit, sherlock!" I scream back.

"Don't use such vulgarity on me ya Dickbag!" He said catching up to me. I just ignored him and walked to my locker, bending down to do my combo. Elliot leaned over on the top of me and opened his. I switched out all of my books and stuff and slammed my locker door. I turned around and saw Adam leaning against his locker, his glare set on me and that turned my sarcastically angry mood into a twinge of fear.

"Fuck me sideways in midair." I say under my breath.

"What?" Elliot asked, clear confusion in his voice.

"Elliot, Adam has made me and his glare is physically killing me. Excuse me while I go fling myself off a bridge." I say and turn towards the front doors.

"Woah woah! Where are you going?" Elliot asked, gripping my shoulders.

"I already told you," I say in a monotone voice. "I'm flinging myself off of a bridge."

"Don't do it a week before your birthday you crazy?" He yelled.

I sighed in defeat. "If I stay here any longer I'll be in the hospital the week of my birthday." I explain.

"So what your going to skip school?" He asked.

"Its winter break after this week and we have two more days left. Fuck the system!" I say and turn to walk out of the school, ignoring the glares that daggered my back. I turned and started walking towards my house. Maybe it's a good thing of me to keep my distance a little. Give Adam space to forget about me, maybe get some sleep instead of running on 2 hours.

I got home and walked in through the door, only to have a hand pierce my skin. I stumbled back a little, looking up to see Damien stumble. I rolled my eyes, feeling the sting come back to me. My body just getting over the ass whooping Adam gave me.

"The fuck?!" I demanded.

"Axel, watch that language of yours!" My mom snapped from the couch.

"Than train your mutt better." I say and turn around, feeling the heat waves from Damien come hard. He gripped my hair, but unfortunately for him, I wore a beanie and shot for the front door. He shoved me into the door frame, making me shoulder check the doorway and hit my nose on the way out. I jogged down the sidewalk, seeing Damien was still chasing me. I sped up, thanking the gods for my stamina and ran straight for the park. He still chased me and I took a sharp turn, jumping on top of a rock and jumping down towards the subway. I didn't slow down, jumping up and down obstacles until I was certain he wasn't chasing me. I was breathing heavily once I came to a stop, my back leaning against the alleyway I had snuck into as I brought air into my lungs. Jesus that was the most I've ran in my life. I felt free doing that.

"Those were some sick moves you pulled." A voice so familiar to me said.

"Jesus... Fucking... Christ... You scared... Me!" I say, looking up to see Jax smiling.

"Sorry, but I saw you running down the park and jump down that rock, so I followed you. Those were cool moves you did." He says, smiling. "And you did it with a bloody nose." He congratulated.

I lifted my hand and wiped at my nose and sure enough, there was blood streaming down. I shrug. "Didn't.. Even... Feel it." I say, still breathing heavily.

He chuckled. "Come on, we can get you cleaned up." He said, his purple aura glowing brightly as he got closer. He slapped my chest making me chuckle.

"Really?" I asked.

He nodded. "Really, really." He smirked. We headed out of the alley and towards a place I've only been to once. Jax's house.

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