Chapter 3~ Green Eyes

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"You even awake Axel? You've been staring at your coffee like it has a disease." Elliot said, snapping his fingers in front of my face. I blinked out the tiredness and rubbed my eyes.

"Well if someone didn't keep me up with his bothersome window climbing I could've had sleep." I shot, taking a big swig of my coffee, only to burn my mouth and about spit it out.

"Yeah well if someone didn't follow a man, he just met, to his place they could've gotten a lot more sleep." He shot back, smirking at his words.

I rolled my eyes and ran my hand through my shaggy hair. It was eleven right now and I didn't get to bed til at least six because I was to busy thinking about Radar and his purple Aura. Just, everything he did yesterday was over the top, yet very intriguing to me. Ugh! Why can't I stop thinking about him?

"Come on, lets go walk around," Elliot said, grabbing his coffee and starting to walk out. I sighed and put my leather jacket on and grabbed my coffee to follow him out. The world was a light gray outside, indicating that the sky was covered in rain clouds. Great, just what we needed. Rain to ruin everything.

We started walking down the street, talking about stupid stuff from school and our final exams that are coming up. It was just your typical high school talk.

"Are you gonna go to prom this year or wait til next year for your senior year?" Elliot asked as we sat on a park bench.

"I don't know. Prom doesn't sound all that exciting to me. I mean... I'm gay and I will just be more of a burden if I go." I shrugged. "Aaaand I may be a punching bag for the jocks if I show up." I said.

He chuckled, nudging my shoulder. "Whatever man, you wont even be noticed," he said, a smirk appearing on his pale face.

"The freak of nature not being noticed? Are you on drugs again?" I asked. He shoved me playfully, making both of us laugh. I know I joke a lot about when Elliot used to do drugs, but he doesn't care anymore. It was all in the past even if it was a small moment of depression for the both of us.

"So, have you seen your mysterious man of Purple?" Elliot asked, nudging me with his elbow.

"No I haven't, and if you'd refrain from nudging my ribs and giving me bruised ones, I'd appreciate that very much." I say. To this day, we joke a lot, and we become very attached to some feelings -some may be out of the ordinary- but we survive it. The years we've known each other have all been really rough. Rougher than normal.

"Whatever baby," he teased, smirking at my pursed lips. "Hey, you remember my brother?" He asked.

I nodded, "Noah? Yeah I remember him. He's in college right?" I asked, remembering the first time I actually met him. He was a major dick to me at first but then he slightly calmed down and his qura went from reddish pink to pinkish green almost. His Aura changes a lot though, depending on the day.

"Yeah, well he was talking and I overheard, because, I'm me, anyway, I heard him planning a college party. You down to go?" He asks, standing up from the park bench.

"I don't know, man, its a Sunday, we have school tomorrow." I say lowly, looking up at him from where I sat.

"Oh come one, its late start tomorrow and we have home release for our first period. It's okay because we really dont start school til at least 11ish." He explained.

He did have a point but the thing was, I hated outings that had multiple people. Especially ones of college people who are worse than high schoolers on steroids. They had no meaning to their parties and someone usually ends up either puking on me or beating me and with my shoulder, I really did not want to deal with that nonsense today.

I nodded again. "I have a project due tomorrow and being intoxicated won't help me focus." I explained, getting up from the park bench.

"Awe you are no fun!" He complained. "Well I'm going and if you finally pull your head out of your ass and decide to join, its in the boys dormitory of his college campus. I have to go get ready, so if you'll excuse me." He said, retreating to the street.

"It's only half pass noon!" I called to him as he was about to cross the busy road.

He turned and shrugged. "Gotta look good for the ladies! Peace!" He winked and chuckled, crossing the street when a break of cars was present.

I stood there, watching until he was out of sight. Geeze, sometimes he can be a handful and it bugs me. I don't even know why I hang out with him. Oh wait! Thats right, he's the only one who can stand my Freak of Natureness.

"Is someone deep in thought or are they just admiring the dirty street?" Someone asked from behind me, making me jump out of my socks. I turned around but no one was behind me but the freshly falling snow and the empty parway. I could've sworn I heard someone's voice come from behind me, but I don't see anyone. Am I imagining things? Oh great, just more things I need to add to my pile.

"Your looking in the wrong direction, emo boy." This time the sound became clear to me and so did that nickname. I glancd up to see Radar with one foot and hand on the tree while the others hung loosely above me. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Is there a reason you are up there?" I ask, taking a drink of my mildly warm coffee. Radar was in sweats, really old and dirty. The light gray sweater didn't help much in his situation as well as the worn out Nike shoes.

"I was doing my daily prac-" I cut him off.

"Is there a reason you are running around like you just got out of a dump?" I asked, flipping my hair out of my face.

He rolled his eyes, readying himself as he jumped off the tree and landed on the ground. "My dear boy, there is a reason I am dressed like this." He started, pausing as if I was gonna say something. For the next twenty seconds I felt my eye twitch.

"Just tell me," I about snapped.

He chuckled. "Okay, okay, yeesh. The reason im dressed like this is because I do parkour. It gets dirty after a day." He said, smirking as he ran a hand through his dark gray hair. His purple Aura grew brighter, exposing me to something I've never seen before. My eyes grew wide as I stared at the boy in front of me. Inside his bubbled Aura, I say the very first color in history.

A pair of green eyes staring at me with such joy. But the color disappeared in a matter of seconds.

What in hell was that?

A/N: Hey guys sorry it took me so long. But come on! Axel saw his very first colored features! Was it just a fluke or is he really going crazy? Ha-ha I hoped you like it.

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