Chapter 16~ Linner!

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*Jax's P.O.V*

I watched as Axel and Elliot walked ahead of me on the cold streets. They looked so happy like a dog and his master I swear. But thinking back at the house, I can't believe I got so worked up over Axel's bruise. I mean any normal person would've asked as well but I took it to another level. Plus I lied about having a boyfriend for some reason. I didnt even know I said it until I heard Axel repeat me. Ugh! This damn kid.

"Do you really think that? Awe your so sweet Elliot!" Axel said, petting Elliots blonde hair.

Elliot turned a bright pink and swatted his hand away. "Shaddup! I can still break that nose of yours." They just laughed, making me roll my eyes.

I watched Axel walk, his thick shaggy black hair that almost covered his eyebrows was filled with baby snowflakes. His eyes that were so bright and blue were watching the world in wonder. He was in a plaid jacket while his Supernatural hoodie sat underneath. He had black skinny jeans that showed his lean legs and of course his Chucks. If I didn't know him, I would say he looked like a prince in high school that was emo. That's how he looks.

"" I blinked, looking up to see Axel blushing and Elliot smirking.

"What?" I asked dumbfounded.

Elliot wiggled his eyebrows. "Oh, do I sense eyes on a pair of buttocks?" He asked.

My eyes widened. "What? What are you talking abo-"

Elliot got into my face and with his palm he gestured to Axel's booty, going over it like it was a prize. "I saw your green little eyes stalking my little boys buttocks. Like the sugar I see." Elliot narrowed accusingly.

"I wasn't star- wait little boy?!" I blushed and screamed at the same time.

This time Elliot grabbed Axel into his arms and hugged him closely. "My little boy! Eyes off the buttocks of my wittle innocent Axy!"

"Axy?!" Axel was the one to complain this time, trying and failing to get out of Elliots arms. Geeze talk about a bunch of theatre hooligans.

I rolled my eyes. "I wasn't staring at Axel's ass. You can chillax." I said.

"Chillaxing is Satans word. Are you a devil worshipper, Jax?" He asked, quizzically.

"What?" I asked. Okay Elliot has lost his mind.

"Because if you are, then welcome to the muthafuckin club!" He shouted, letting Axel go and taking off in front of us.

Axel smirked. "How much do you want to bet he will slip before the end of the sidewalk?" He asked, folding his arms.

"Eh, I'd give him at least till the street." I say. "10 dollars?"

"Sure." And so we sat there, watching Elliot run and run until he came close to the street, but the pile of ice underneath him made his legs give out and he went toppling onto his back. I heard a groan and then I saw him heaving in pain.

Axel next to me busted into laughter and tears, pointing at the fallen Elliot. I couldn't help but chuckle along with him. For a bunch of careful kids, they are reckless in their own way, I'll give them that.

"Oh man! That was great, whoo. You owe me 10$." He says, still out of breath from laughter.

I rolled my eyes and pulled out my wallet, getting out a ten dollar bill and handing it to him. "Thank yooou!" He sang before going to help his friend. I smiled and went with him. It was good to smile. Lately this kid has made me smile. He's confused me a hellova lot, but he's made me smile. Thats alot for a street rat like me. Trust me, I may look like a respectable kid with a good life, but the truth is, my life is hell. I'm just great at masking it.

"Did you guys really bet on me... Ow... On me falling?" Elliot asked, staring up at us from his position on the floor.

"Yeah, its only natural." Axel said with a smile.

"I'm gonna get you back, Axel Michaelis Victor." Elliot said with a glare.

Axel Michaelis Victor huh? What a cool name. Axel grabbed my arm, making me look down at him... And yet again! His eyes wiggle and wave like the ocean! I swear I can't be the only one to see it.

"Wanna go get food? I can go for some linner!" Axel said, shaking my arm, vigorously.

"Linner?" I asked.

"A mix of lunch and dinner. Come on its already 3 in the afternoon!" Axel complained.

"Yeah you know, don't pay attention to the man who fell on ice, oh no that would just be too much to handle all at once. Ya know linner is so much more important than a man who could've broken his spine! Please dont let me be a bother." Elliot said, sarcastically from the floor.

"Oh pipe down Elliot and get up so we can go eat!" Axel ordered.

Elliot scoffed and slapped his hand over his chest. "I am offended that Axel is turning against me! Leaving me for delicious food and a man who stares at just your butto-"

"For the last time I wasnt looking at his bu-" Elliot lifted a hand and glared.

"Shut it perv! I was talking." He cleared his throat and continued. "Who stares at your buttocks and only cares about... Uh... His... Uh... Own ego!" Elliot snapped.

I looked over at Axel. "How do you deal with this?" I asked.

He sighed loudly. "Therapy. Lots and lots of therapy." He says.

I chuckled.

"What? your dogs a therapist?! Axel! Why didn't you tell me!" He screamed, quickly scrambling to his feet.

"Shut up Elliot! Geeze, your in a mood." Axel said, watching Elliot closely.

"Because its your birthday and not to mention Christmas tomorrow!" He screamed.

I rolled my eyes. Both of them are so close it was actually kind of cute. I haven't had anyone that close since I was 8. After what happened I guess I just didn't want anyone near me anymore. Or rather near my heart. It wasn't a love interest or anything, but it was just an accident I don't like to talk about. Maybe I will tell Axel. He looks like the kind of person who will keep your secrets no matter what. Maybe after he gets amazing at parkour, then I will tell him.

"So shall we go get some Linner?" I asked, breaking their argument.

Elliot smiled. "Yeah!" He screamed, practically in my ear.

"Okay! Geeze you don't have to make me deaf!" I scream back, rubbing my ears.

"Psh you enjoy being deaf." Elliot said. I rolled my eyes and we continued walking down the street to a place that I've never been to. A place called Denny's. Well, I guess today is a day of new experiences.

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