Chapter 5 ~ Hospital Visit

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*Two weeks later*

"This madness needs to end! I feel like I haven't seen Jax in over two weeks!" I shouted, slumping on the cafeteria table. We were currently at lunch, Elliot and I, just enjoying each other's company while the whole world spoke aloud in a tiny room.

"It was two weeks ago, you idiot." Elliot shot, putting the rest of the sandwich in his mouth. I sighed, looking out the window to see snow falling thickly outside. It was now the first week of December and its been snowing non stop since the day I saw Jax's green eyes. It still amazes me how I saw them, scaring me at the same time. The fact I can see his purple Aura and his eyes, gives me a great sense of hope, but also a great sense of fear. Fear of what could become of me, the darkness consuming me, or the light shining through. Either path that color gives me in the future, scares me.

"Damn, you must really be in deep thought if you didn't feel that," Elliot said, snapping my attention back to him.

"What?" Stupid reaction. I saw what he meant, the giant hamburger, tossed all over my freshly cleaned shirt. I shot my head up to see the culprit. Adam Richard. The star basketball player, pointing and laughing at none other than the school freak.

"The fuck Adam?" I finally say, shooting up from my seat. I heard the hamburger fall to the floor, Adams glare met mine and he stood up, walking over to me with two of his friends. I heard Elliot shoot to his feet, immediately acting as back up for me.

"Got something to say, Freak." He asked, shoving me back. I didn't move far, my eyes still burning holes into his eye sockets.

"Yes, I do, why is it, that you can't grow up and be cultivated instead of being a total Fuckboy." I snapped, finally at my edge. His glare seemed to harden a lot, his eyes now over powering mine, but I wasn't backing down. "Oh sorry, is Cultivated too big a word for you? Want me to dumb it down?" I snapped, hearing my hardcore sarcasm that came with my voice. Jesus I need to shut up, because if looks could kill, I'd be dead in a heartbeat with his death glare.

What came next, was both expected and a surprise. He tackled me to the ground, letting all my air in my lungs escape at the impact. The world around me still gray but now, darker than normal as I came in contact with the ground. He began punching anywhere he could. But he only punched my face once, thanks to my hands. I kept them up but his impacts to my stomach, ribs and arms hurt like a fucking bitch, making me puke up some blood onto the ground. I don't know how long this continued, nor how many people gathered around, but the shouts of a teacher and Elliot gave me calm. The punches stopped abruptly as well as the weight lifting off my legs where he sat. My first instinct was to curl up in a ball and pray that no more pain comes to my body.

"Axel, hey, you still with me?" Elliot asked, rubbing the back of my head. I glanced up at him to see that the crowd has been pushed back so no one could see my face or was it to let me breathe? I don't even care.

"It hurts." I replied, talking about my, most likely, broken ribs. Elliot cursed under his breath and turned to the teacher who immediately told everyone to clear the room, calling, what I believe, is an ambulance. I saw black cloud my vision as the gray world disappears and I'm unconscious.


*two days later*

The beeping became clearer, of course it bugged me as I awoke to the nice, white room and dark gray sheets beneath me. I blinked a couple times, feeling them stick like glue to each other. I turned my head, seeing Elliot passed out on a chair next to me. I coughed, but that made me gasp, giving me pain to my lower ribs and stomach.

"E-Elliot." My voice cracked, sounding thick with sleep and pain. It was so low to, I was surprised when Elliot shifted in his slumber, awakening as his eyes landed on me. It took him a minute to process it, but he did and he was to his feet in seconds, pressing the call button from above my head.

"Your awake!" He shouted, slumping back down in his chair. He grabbed my hand, making me glance down. My arms were dark gray and light gray, making me wonder what my stomach and chest must look like.

"How long have I been out?" I asked, finally having a clear voice.

"For about 2 days, he beat you pretty good. You don't have any broken bones, just a very bruised body." He explained, beaming my way.

"So... No broken bones? Damn, that's surprising." I say, hearing the painful croak of my voice.

"Do you feel alright?" Elliot asked.

"Minus the stabbing feeling of my lungs everytime I take a breath and the fact Im in the hospital, I'm perfectly great." I say, clear sarcasm in my voice.

"Right, stupid question." He stated sighing. I chuckled, although it felt like my stomach was dying.

"So what happened to Adam?" I asked, but before Elliot could answer, a nurse walked in with a bright smile on her face.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" She asked. God did everyone decide to ask the dumbest questions today?

"Like I got hit by a bus and thrown into oncoming traffic. What about you?" I asked, feeling my sarcasm up. She merely shrugged.

"Well that's understandable. We called your house but no one answered so we just treated you anyway. You came in a very bad condition. We were really worried there." She said, coming closer to mark my chart. Of course my parents wouldn't answer. My dad was at work and who knows what the fuck my mother is doing. She wasn't any of my concern, mainly cause I couldn't care less for her.

"At least I survived. I guess... Uh... Thank you." I say, smiling as much as my sore mouth wouth would allow me.

She smiled back equally as bright as me and fixed her hair that seemed to be falling in front of her face. Her Aura giving off a pink and blue mixture, indicating she was sad and happy."Well, it seems you are fine, besides the massive bruising. I would say about another hour or so and you can check out if you'd like." The nurse said with a smile. She cleared her throat and walked the opposite direction of me. Once the door closed, Elliot scoffed beside me.

"Talk about a smiley girl." He said, running a hand through his hair.

"Her Aura was blue and pink mixed. Been a while since I've seen a mixed Aura." I told him.

"So she was sad and happy? How does that work?"

I shrugged. "No idea. It was a newish thing, guess she isn't like what she portrays herself to be." I explained.

Elliot sighed. "Well, enough about Aura talking. I am gonna go get everything ready for you so you can get out of here. It would be nice to walk around and stretch your legs." Elliot said, already walking towards the door after sitting up abruptly.

I nodded. "Okay, I am gonna see if I can at least get a hold of my da- and your gone." I say as he closes the door. I sighed and sunk in deeper. The only thing that seemed to be present and weighing heavily on my mind, was the fact I haven't seen Jax in a while. I wonder if he just stopped coming around or got arrested. I mean he was running away from the police when we first met... Which reminds me. I pulled down my shirt right next to my shoulder to see a dark grey stitched up wound, but it looked cleaner than how Jax did it. So they decided to patch that up too. I guess I'm thankful.

I glanced up to see the light outside world from the window above me, snow still falling in chunks but not as violently as I remembered. Sigh, I wonder what Jax is even doing. It makes me wonder if I'll ever see him again.

Key word there... If.

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